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Jabborova NodiraPhD student Institute for
Macroeconomic and Regional Studies 
Global mega-trends such as Covid-19, climate change, changes in global trade policy create 
both threats and new opportunities for the economy of Uzbekistan. The war in Ukraine also has 
serious global economic consequences.
Uzbekistan’s 2030 strategy sets a goal of reaching country's gross domestic product $160 
billion and per capita income to $4 thousand. This cannot be achieved only through the domestic 
market. To maintain sustainable growth of the economy of Uzbekistan during a period of uncertainty, 
one of the important government tasks is to maintain exports, namely industrial exports 
Taking into account the production and scientific potential of Uzbekistan, as well as general 
level of education of the population, the availability of sufficient labor resources, the priority direction 
for ensuring sustainable economic growth should be the development of high value-added industries 
and further stimulating the export of industrial products. 
Classical economists considered industry as the main driver of economic growth, with 
increasing returns over time not only within the industry itself but also across other sectors due to its 
linkages and external effects. Industry's ability to specialize and divide labor sets it apart from 
agriculture and services, and its productivity gains and technological innovations tend to spread to 
other sectors through capital and intermediate goods acquisition. 
Unlike commodity exports, industrial exports belong to a more competitive group of goods, 
and accordingly are less vulnerable to instability in world commodity markets. Sectors such as food 
processing, clothing and textiles, medical products and IT services show the most promising 
opportunities for developing countries in both the short and long term due to their relative resilience 
and potential for job creation and exports. 
The particular importance of increasing export volumes, which brings foreign exchange 
earnings to the country is due to the following reasons. First of all, it is worth noting that net exports 
are one of the main components of GDP and significantly affect the stability of the national currency. 
Further, foreign exchange earnings through exports make it possible to modernize production 
facilities, acquire new technologies and equipment, thereby stimulating production and economic 
development. Thirdly, exports open up opportunities for selling products to new markets, which leads 
to increased production and the creation of new jobs, thereby providing employment. 
Uzbekistan’s negative balance of foreign trade is growing year after year, which does not 
correspond to the goals of sustainable macroeconomic development. Foreign trade turnover in 2023 
reached 62.57 billion US dollars, increasing by 12 billion dollars, or 23.8%, compared to the previous 
year. Exports over the year increased by 23.8% - to $24.4 billion, imports - to $38.1 billion (+24%). 
The foreign trade deficit exceeded $13.7 billion, which is 24.3% more than in 2022 (-$11.03 billion). 
This figure would have been even higher if not gold exports and a positive trade balance in services.
Excluding gold, exports increased by only 4.5% in terms of value and amounted to 16.17 
billion dollars. The share of industrial products in exports decreased from 22.2% to 16.6%. 
The difficult situation in the world, disruptions in transport, logistics and production chains, 
problems related to energy resources were affecting the exports and industrial production of 
Uzbekistan.The slowdown in economic growth in major partner countries threatens to further reduce 
demand for Uzbek exports. When the economy grows, the demand from entrepreneurs and the 
population for goods increases, and if growth slows down, then the demand will be moderate. 
Despite Uzbekistan's success in attracting foreign investment (FDI), it is still worth paying 
attention to their quality. According to a World Bank study, only 16% of foreign companies in 
Uzbekistan are engaged in exports. Moreover, these exports account for only 11% of the total 
production of exporting foreign companies. 

A significant aspect of assessing the current state of Uzbekistan’s exports is the diversification 
of the geographical focus of exports. An analysis of the geography and concentration of goods export 
markets shows a high concentration of Uzbekistan’s export markets for almost all goods. Uzbekistan 
today has trade relations with 198 countries of the world. The largest volume of turnover was recorded 
with China (21.9%). Next comes Russia with 15.8%. Almost 50% of exports go to the main 4 markets. 
This trend may have negative consequences for the country's sustainable economic growth. 
Uzbekistan’s foreign trade turnover with the CIS countries reached $20.6 million. Of this, the 
export volume amounted to $8.1 billion, and the import volume amounted to $12.4 billion. The basis 
of exports of manufacturing products in Uzbekistan are textiles and chemicals. According to World 
Bank research for Uzbekistan, industries that can benefit the economy include such as electrical 
industry, renewable energy, and the packaging materials industry. The following sectors were also 
identified as priority sectors: the food industry and the building materials industry. 
As President Sh. Mirziyoyev during the video conference meeting on priority tasks in the field 
of investment, export and industry for 2024 pointed out that in order ‘to take our country's economy 
to a new level, it is necessary to increase exports by at least 30 percent annually. 
Uzbekistan has joined the GSP+ system and has the opportunity to import 6,200 types of 
goods into Europe duty-free. In 2024 only 384 types of goods were exported. Phytosanitary permits 
from foreign countries were obtained for the export of fruits and vegetables, but this opportunity was 
not fully used as well. 
There are 24 special economic zones in regions of Uzbekistan. Unfortunately, not all of theses 
SEZs are used effectively and in this regard, it was decided by head of the government to implement 
a new experiment for the development of SEZ and increasing by this production, employment and 
exports. In particular, 240 hectares of land in special industrial zones in Bukhara, Navoi and Tashkent 
regions will be outsourced to foreign companies.
As an example, it was mentioned to adopt a program for the development of the food industry 
in the regions. In particular, the tasks have been set to establish the production of 25 types of processed 
food products that are in great demand in our country, and also to introduce international standards 
at food enterprises. Proximity to large markets such as Russia and China can be noted as the main 
driver for the development of food industry for export. The main sources of competitiveness in this 
industry for Uzbekistan are the relatively low cost of labor and electricity for production. 
The main problem in this sector is the lack of knowledge on the proper storage of fruits and 
vegetables for their further processing. Increasing Uzbekistan's strategic storage capacity and 
introducing regulations that facilitate the production of high-quality food products in accordance with 
the rules and standards of large demand centers such as the EU is an important condition for this 
sector of the industry and further exports. 
Such opportunities also exist in the leather industry. For example, there is a strong demand 
for car covers, sporting goods, shoes and handbags. Based on this, it is recommended to industry 
leaders to form industry projects in the regions. The most promising direction for solving the problem 
of negative trade deficit is the accelerated growth of production of competitive finished products and 
diversification of the national economy through the accelerated development of small industrial 
business, more efficient use of rental income to strengthen the potential of state institutions and 
human capital, creating the necessary prerequisites for the redistribution of investments in favor of 
the manufacturing industry, resource conservation, transition to a unified technological politics. 
Increasing the share of finished products in the structure of exports will increase the elasticity of 
exports at the exchange rate and create other conditions for increasing the efficiency of monetary and 
fiscal policy. Scholars point out that countries capable of producing and exporting more 
technologically advanced goods usually experience higher rates of economic growth. This is because 
high-tech goods typically have higher added value, which contributes to increased income and 
investments in research and development. Another point for increasing industrial exports is that 
exporting products with a high level of technology requires innovation and continuous technological 

progress. This can stimulate innovation within the country and enhance its competitiveness in global 
Underestimating technological development and promoting low-tech products can lead to the 
displacement of countries from markets for more technologically advanced products. This can limit 
the potential for economic growth in the country and reduce its competitiveness in the long term. 
Decreased opportunities for economic growth and a decline in quality of life can pose threats to the 
economic security of the country. This can lead to social and economic problems such as 
unemployment, social tension, and instability. 
Thus, maintaining and developing the export of high-tech goods plays a crucial role in 
ensuring sustainable economic development and ensuring the economic security of the country. Also, 
export diversification has a positive effect on the rate and sustainability of economic growth. 
Therefore, it is necessary to continue to support exporting enterprises, and also create conditions for 
growing small sectors of the economy that can further increase export potential and diversify the 
range of the export basket. An important feature of export-oriented industrial development is a 
properly formulated and aggressive marketing and export strategy of the businesses, developed taking 
into account the needs of the customer and the presence of potential competitors.
On a regular basis, it is essential to provide comprehensive information about the produced 
and offered products on the websites for international trade like Alibaba.com, conduct marketing 
research on external suppliers, buyers, and competitors, and participate in international exhibitions, 
among other activities. Additionally, it is important to promote the products of domestic 
manufacturers in potential buyer countries through trade intermediary links, trading houses, and 
representations of industrial enterprises. The decrease in competitiveness of domestic goods in the 
markets of major trading partners due to events in the currency markets of these countries and their 
overall economic situation provides Uzbekistan with a good reason to pursue a policy of diversifying 
export markets and opening up new opportunities for creating export-oriented goods in new markets. 
Undoubtedly, diversifying external markets reduces the risks of the influence of financial and 
economic crises in individual countries on the economy of Uzbekistan. 

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