Nabieva Saidahon Abduvahabovna, (PhD) dotsent, TSTU

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Nabieva Saidahon Abduvahabovna, (PhD) dotsent, TSTU 
Karimbekova Dilshoda Samat qizi magistr, TSTU 
One of the fundamental conditions for the successful implementation of the sustainable 
development strategy of Uzbekistan, and therefore the republic's entry into the ranks of the 
developed countries of the world, the continuation and deepening of political, economic reforms 
and modernization of the country, the formation of civil society and, on this basis, ensuring a decent 
life for its citizens, is the consistent intellectualization of society, digitalization of all spheres of the 
economy, that is, the transition to sustainable innovative development. This process is the 

development of people's abilities to perceive and generate information, the formation of new 
knowledge and their implementation in practice, has natural economic, humanitarian, sociological 
and civilizational roots. 
The Republic of Uzbekistan was among those 170 countries that in September 2015 made a 
commitment to implement the new global sustainable development goals. On October 20, 2018, the 
Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted Resolution No. 841 “On measures to 
implement the National Sustainable Development Goals and Objectives for the period up to 2030”, 
which defines 16 goals and 127 tasks to be achieved by 2030. To create an effective system for 
monitoring the implementation of the objectives of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), on 
March 20, 2019, the Coordinating Council for the implementation of the National Sustainable 
Development Goals and Objectives approved 206 indicators for monitoring their achievement. At 
the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN), which was held in 1987, the phrase "sustainable 
development" was first voiced. In the report “Our Common Future”, Gro Harlem Brundtland, 
President of the International Commission on Environment and Development, stated: “Sustainable 
development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability 
of future generations to meet their needs”. 
The concept of sustainable development was adopted at the UN Conference on Ecological 
Development in Rio de Janeiro (1992) and has not lost its relevance to this day [6]. This concept is 
a model of the development of civilization, in which a balanced interaction of nature, society and 
economy is carried out. The main economic component of the concept of sustainable development 
is the optimal use of hydrocarbon energy resources, as well as the use of natural energy and material-
saving technologies. The document “Agenda for the 21st Century” adopted at the UN conference 
sets out the obligations of states to ensure sustainable development, the purpose of which is a 
balanced socio-economic development in terms of environmental protection, rational use of energy 
resources, while taking into account the vital interests of future generations The document “The 
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”, adopted by the leaders of world powers in September 
2015 at the UN summit, defines sustainable development goals that reflect the ideology of 
sustainable development and the tools to achieve them. The Sustainable Development Goals are 
closely linked and harmonized with the Action Strategy of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017-
2021, adopted in February 2017. The Strategy defines targets for the innovative development of the 
Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030 (81 indicators in total), which are also harmonized with the 
National Sustainable Development Goals. 
Our research into the foundations of sustainable development of energy enterprises led to 
the conclusion that the fuel and energy complex is a structure-forming system for the entire economy 
and affects all types of economic activity. The functioning and development of the fuel and energy 
complex is inextricably linked with natural resources, the efficient use of which is discussed at all 
international economic forums. Note that sustainable development is a multifaceted and 
multidimensional concept. Production sustainability is characterized by the stability of the 
production cycle, an increase in production volumes, the introduction of new technologies, the 
optimal distribution of production capacities, and full resource security. 
Financial stability - includes: ensuring liquidity and solvency, the availability of reserve 
funds for the expansion and renewal of fixed assets (OBK); free maneuvering of funds, which 
contributes to the uninterrupted process of production and sale of products and makes it possible to 
settle accounts with suppliers and creditors. Financial stability is a reflection of a stable excess of 
income over expenses. 
Economic - involves an increase in profits and own funds, a continuous process of production 
and sales of products; high rates of all types of profitability of production and commercial activities 
with the efficient use of production resources, financial stability, break-even. 
Manufacturability - is expressed in the ability to perceive the achievements of science and 
technology, namely, the departure from extensive development and the transition to intensive; 
continuous improvement of the organization of production; application of modern methods and 

management tools; transition to process automation and reaching a new level of informatization of 
management processes; restructuring of enterprises; the ability of staff to perceive innovative ideas. 
Applying the concept of sustainable development to energy, the World Energy Council 
presented three aspects in the implementation of energy projects: 
1) energy security - characterized by the ability of suppliers to meet demand, reliability of 
infrastructure, efficient organization of energy supplies; 
2) energy equality - characterized by the availability of energy for the population; 
3) environmental sustainability - characterized by the development of proposals for the 
generation of energy from renewable and low-carbon energy sources. 
We are talking about the transition to a new technological paradigm in the electric power 
industry, which represents the organization of energy supply in the retail sector as an ecosystem of 
energy producers and consumers that seamlessly integrate into a common infrastructure and 
exchange energy. This approach, by analogy with the ongoing interactions, is also called the Internet 
of Energy. The energy strategy of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030 involves the creation of a 
sustainable system for ensuring energy security, taking into account the territorial structure of 
production and consumption of fuel and energy. In solving all problems, the main place is given to 
the fuel and energy complex. The sustainable development of the energy sector of the state consists 
of the sustainable development of industries and energy enterprises. The main task of our research 
is that, considering the system as a set of interrelated elements, to find the laws that explain the 
behavior of the system, its functioning and development. We came to the conclusion that the essence 
of the functioning of the fuel and energy complex is reduced to the movement of information, 
energy, materials associated with the processing of input values (information, financial resources, 
material resources) and obtaining the desired results at the output (energy resources, services, profit, 
information). To analyze the functioning of the fuel and energy complex, we single out subsystems 
in its composition that are responsible for a certain type of activity (energy consumption, electricity 
generation, energy supply). 
The analysis carried out by the author made it possible to identify the following elements of 
the subsystem: 
- social (represents a complex of relations between people and is an organizational 
manifestation of the system); 
- production and technical (represents material assets: technologies, machines, equipment, 
materials, tools, energy); 
- informational (represents information flows, databases and their interconnections); 
- financial and economic (represents economic and financial resources). 
Therefore, for the sustainable development of the fuel and energy complex, as a system, the 
following conditions must be met: 
1. Handleability - if it is possible to control the output signals with the help of the input 
action, then the system is controllable. 
2. Controllability - all system parameters that characterize its state must be measurable. 
3. Equilibrium - the system must provide dynamic balance. Thus, our research in the field of 
energy sustainability has shown that the fuel and energy complex is a complex cybernetic system 
with a large number of subsystems and control loops. The complexity of the system is manifested 
in a large number of its constituent elements of a diverse nature, large volumes of circulating 
information, a variety of forms of connections, and multicriteria. The internal environment of the 
fuel and energy complex is formed by financial means, technologies, production capacities, 
organization of the process of production and transportation of fuel and energy resources, 
infrastructure and other parameters (Figure 1). 
Research in the field of the development strategy of fuel and energy enterprises allowed the 
author to develop a trillem for improving energy security based on the sustainable development of 
energy industries. Clarifying the trilemma, we believe that, firstly, the fuel and energy complex is 
characterized by orbital stability - the ability of the system to function, ensuring uninterrupted supply 

and reliable generation and supply of fuel and energy resources to consumers and develop under 
changing internal and external conditions. Orbital stability, according to the author, also implies 
active digitalization and intellectualization of the processes of extraction, production, processing 
and distribution of fuel and energy resources. Secondly, that energy security is the ability to 
uninterruptedly and reliably provide consumers with fuel and energy resources while leveling 
emerging external and internal threats that destabilize the functioning of the fuel and energy 
complex. Thirdly, the environmental component is the development of green energy based on 
rational environmental management, preserving the environment, as well as the production of 
energy from alternative energy sources (RES, nuclear power plants). Summarizing these three 
concepts, we can say that sustainable development is a process of ensuring energy, economic and 
environmental security, subject to active intellectualization and digitalization of the activities of 
enterprises of the fuel and energy complex of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 
Also, in order to overcome imbalances in development and establish proportionality, the 
structure of the system must be flexible and adaptive, have the potential for improvement. For the 
integrity of the system, the integration and interdependence of elements and the ability to regulate 
are important. 

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Nabieva Saidahon Abduvahabovna, (PhD) dotsent, TSTU

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