“Ta’limda innovativ-kreativ texnologiyalarning qo’llanilishi, neyrolingvistik dasturlashning
amaliy asoslari” mavzusidagi xalqaro konferentsiya 2021-yil, 27-dekabr
I see a rainbow in the sky
All the colors streaming by
When there's sunshine and rain too
A rainbow forms for me and you
I see a rainbow in the sky
All the colors streaming by
This song is a song that works well for a group circle in an early childhood
setting, but can also be sung for a small group of children or just one. If only one
child is doing the actions to the song, he/she should wear clothes with a lot of
different colors. The lyrics explain the actions in this song:
Red, red is the color I see
If you're wearing red, then show it to me.
Stand up, turn around
Show me your red, then sit back down.
Blue, blue is the color I see....
Try singing the classic song, the Hokey Pokey but call it the Color Pokey. A
child will put different color stickers on his/her shoe, hand, elbow, knee and so on.
Then the song will be sung with the following lyrics and actions:
You put your red shoe in, you put your red shoe out,
You put your red shoe in, and you shake it all about.
You do the color pokey and you turn yourself around
And that's what it's all about.
The song will continue with the color which is sticking to whatever body