• The structure and size of the dissertation.
  • Jamoat xavfsizligi universiteti huzuridagi ilmiy darajalar beruvchi dsc

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    Автореферат Исмоилов С 21.09.23

    Approval of research results. The research results were discussed at a total of 9 conferences, including 4 international and 5 national conferences.
    Publication of research results. A total of 15 scientific works on the subject of the dissertation, including 1 monograph, 9 articles in the publications recommended for announcing the basic scientific results of doctoral dissertations of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan, including 6 in the republic and 3 in foreign journals. published.
    The structure and size of the dissertation. The dissertation consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references, appendices, and the total volume of the work is 128 pages.

    I bo‘lim (I chast; I part)

    1. S.A.Ismailov Ta’lim jarayonida huquqiy ong va huquqiy madaniyatni oshirishga doir tadbirlarni tashkil etishda ijtimoiy sheriklik prinsiplari Monograiya bosma «step by step print» mchj 27 yanvar (2023). 10.5 bosma taboq

    2. S.A.Ismailov Axloqning maьnaviyat tizimidagi birlashtruvchilik axamiyati //scentific progress volume 2 issue 1 2021 issn: 2181-1601 str.1239-1244

    3. S.A.Ismailov legal aspects of social partnership in education // european scholar journal (esj) vol. 2, №11, november 2021 issn: 2660-5562 str.102-105

    4. S.A.Ismailov Xuquqiy ta’limda ijtimoiy sheriklikning ahamiyati // Ilmiy axborotnoma 2022 12- son namangan davlat universiteti iisn:2181-0427 str.567-571

    5. S.A.Ismoilov Ta’limda ijtimoiy sheriklik tushunchasining mazmuni va mohiyati //Mug‘ullim hem uzliksiz bilimlendirio‘ № 6 2021 jыl str.61-68

    6. S.A.Ismailov Ta’lim jarayonlarida “ma’naviyatning ilmiy metodologiyasi” fani tuzilishi, asosiy mavzu va muammolari, fan peredmetini o‘rganishning ilmiy-uslubiy asoslari // «yosh taqdiqotchi jurnali»№ 4(2022). str.40-44

    7. S.A.Ismailov Ta’limda ijtimoiy sheriklik tushunchasining mazmuni va mohiyati bosma xalqaro onlayn ilmiy-amaliy anjuman andijon - 2022 yil, 29 noyabr. str.13-17

    8. S.A.Ismailov Ta’limda ijtimoiy sheriklikning huquqiy jihatlari bosma belarussia international scientific online conference iinovative research in science str.131-138

    9. S.A.Ismailov Ta’lim jarayonida huquqy ong va huquqiy madaniyatning konstitusiyaviy asoslari Yangi O‘zbekistonda konstitusiya va qonunlarning ustunligi mavzusidagi respublika ilmiy-amaliy konfrensiyasi materiallari str.83-87

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    Bosh sahifa

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    Jamoat xavfsizligi universiteti huzuridagi ilmiy darajalar beruvchi dsc

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