Table 4.6 Reliability statistic for marketing mix dimensions
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Table 4.6 Reliability statistic for marketing mix dimensions
Source: field data 2011
From the table 4.6, four out of the five dimensions have Alpha Cronbach’s values above 0.6, the accepted limit for reliability test. The values indicate that there is good internal consistency among the scales. However the test involving all the 25 items shows an overall Alpha Conbach’s of 0.91. Considering that the overall reliability of the questionnaire is above 0.6, it can be concluded that the questionnaire is reliable.
In addition to the above the following procedures were taken to ensure valid and reliable data collection process:
The right target population was identified.
The representativeness of the sample was ensured since the sample was made up of adequate representation of hotels based on their star category distribution
The sampling method was appropriate since hotels were selected through probability sampling method to remove biases.
The data sources were all reliable since we used published academic and professional journal articles.
In administering the instruments, the respondents were assured of anonymity and confidentiality so they could provide us with accurate/real answers to remove subject/participant biases.
Data was entered using SPSS with much care.
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