Publication under Indian Law Under the Indian law, publication means that any content which is available to the public
issue through material copies or by communicating to the public.
Rights Management Information RMI act identifies who has done the work, has the work been registered in the country &
if there are any other owners for the work. For any publication or usage of work in
theatrical issues India mandates that the author/publisher/owner be mentioned.
However, when it comes to electronic rights India remains very silent on this issue
Fair Dealing & Licensing When the content that is accessed on the internet is stored temporarily on the computer
system. This is legal under the purview of Indian Law. However, if any permanent
ownership of the content is being claimed by the owner of the computer in which the
content gets downloaded temporarily then it is an offence.
Domain Names Issues The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), manages the Domain Name System
(DNS). Problems arise when several companies having similar names compete over the
same domain name. The problem of domain names was alleviated in 2001 after
several upper level names were added to com.
The key issue for a business is to ensure that the domain name that they choose do not
happen to breach the trade mark rights of anyone else nor do they copy from any
copyright works which belongs to a third party. They should also keep a watch in case
others infringe upon their rights and act quickly if they do.
Database Sharing Issues A very important area to watch out for is database sharing. Many websites provide access
to databases some on a chargeable basis, which may or may not always have a copyright