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process of blending of the four skills in with thunderstanding, as it may be
prespeaking, or prewriting and postreading or postlistening activity.
Listening as such is a complicated activity which is aimed at eliciting the
needed information from the listened material for further purposes of speaking,
writing about and one can’t elicit such information without “thunderstanding”.
Almost the same happens when we teach reading, speaking and writing. Amongst
them listening stands apart for it is fully dependent on thunderstanding without
which there’s no listening at all, and no other activities further following it.
When and how we virtually resort to “thunderstanding” as a skill in auditorium
is very important for teaching the four traditional skills. Thunderstanding is exactly
the main factor that prompts us what activity to start with when teaching language.
Of course, you can’t start it with listening and writing
followed by speaking and
reading. So, it is right then to start teaching language with speaking first, for it
involves full and permanent understanding, hence speaking is the activity served by
the other activities (listening, reading and writing) and not visa versa. That is why
we can’t teach speaking for listening or reading purposes because it is absolutely
excluded (of course, we can use speaking for writing purposes), but we do teach
reading, listening and writing for speaking purposes. So, what are the correlations
between these activities?
The aforesaid shows that each type of activity has its worthy, original place
and significance in learning and we can’t replace one by the other ones.
Teaching thunderstanding, like teaching
any of the four skills, is a long,
continuous process that takes terms or semesters to cover, and, as the experience
shows, it is better to start teaching thunderstanding as the beginning level up to the
advanced level in order for trainees to get accustomed to understanding of more
complicated texts blended in with the other four activities just to pave way to various
further activities. The quality of
“post thunderstanding activities” fully depends on
the frequency, degree and depth of developing thunderstanding habits and skills (by
exercising such skills in the strict order they are given here:
thinking, auding,
skimping, skimming, scanning, meditating, concluding and understanding).
All these activities may lay a solid ground for involving trainees into the other
useful activities such as speaking, writing, jigsaw reading, jigsaw puzzle (a puzzle
in which the player has to reassemble or restore a picture that has been mounted on
a wooden or cardboard base and cut into a large number of irregularly shaped
interlocking pieces), etc.
Concluding all the above said, we may state that
along the four traditional
skills in continuous learning and teaching languages, there is one more skill that
coexists and cofunctions with the latter four – thunderstanding (as blended from
“understanding” because
they are interdependent and interlinked
Tilshunoslikdagi zamonaviy yo
nalishlar: muammo va yechimlar
skills), which should be taken into consideration as an important skill among others,
hence there should be worked out specific methodology of forming and developing
habits and skills that need special time budget allotted for teaching,
assessing and even evaluating the very skill in auditorium accordingly and that seems
to be a matter of near future.