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2. Dagilienė, I. (2012). Translation as a Learning Method in English Language
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5. Groves, M., & Mundt, K. (2015). Friend or foe? Google Translate in
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6. Josefsson, E. (2011). Contemporary Approaches to Translation in the
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7. Koehn, P. (2009). Statistical Machine Translation. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Ismoilova D. EFL teacher
, Hudoyorov D. bachelor student, FerSU
Annotatsiya: Ushbu tezisda ingliz tilini xorijiy til sifatida o‘rgatishning
muhim jihatlari haqida fikr yuritiladi. Mualliflar ingliz tili darslarida muloqot
kompitensiyasini shakllantirish jarayoni haqida bayon qiladilar.
Annotation: The thesis discusses the importance of teaching English as a
foreign language. The Authors focus on the creating communicative in the realm of
classroom atmosphere.
It is widely recognized that, education of young generation is considered as
one of the striking matters in our country. In other words, at present great importance
is attached to the study and teaching of foreign languages. Worldwide there has been
an enormous push to introduce English as a foreign language. Like many other
countries, Uzbekistan has decided to embark on English
education as a necessary
bridge for children’s later success. No doubt, it happens not without purpose. After
getting the Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan, it has worked out an own
model of development, taking into account the specific communicative
and its development in our country.
One of the most important conditions for the development of any country is a
well-functioning education system. As the education system ensures the formation
of a highly development that must be able to live in a high proficiency of
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communication ability to communicate independently
in the heterogeneous
It is no secret that today Uzbekistan is moving forward in all spheres of life.
“The large-scale reforms implemented in our country during the years of
independence are aimed at strengthening our national statehood and sovereignty,
ensuring security and law enforcement, inviolability of state borders, rule of law,
human rights and freedoms, interethnic harmony and religious tolerance became an
important foundation. Innovative ideas and best
practices form the basis of
development. ”[1]
As the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev said:
“As we aim to turn Uzbekistan into a developed country, we can achieve this only
through rapid reforms, science and innovation. To do this, first of all, it is necessary
to train a new generation of educated and qualified personnel who will emerge as
enterprising reformers and think strategically. Where there is no enlightenment, there
is backwardness, ignorance and, of course, misguidance. Therefore, for all of us, the
acquisition of modern knowledge, true enlightenment and high culture should
become a necessity of continuous life ”. [2]
We should create the adequate classroom atmosphere for our learners targeting
to gain communicative competent learners. Speakers here might use a local form of
English, but may also be fluent in international varieties. As we stated above, the
purpose of learning a foreign language is communication. Because English, as a
foreign language for most of the people of the world has increasingly become
international language
for business and commerce, science and technology,
international relations and diplomacy. Furthermore, communication has different
forms and takes place in different situations. It is art to be perfect communicator
while interacting with a native speaker. Communication is the only bridge to connect
nations and different cultures. When it is done with high proficiency, both
communicators (speakers and listeners) will contend with interacting, after
elimination of communication breakdown and the exact chance will be obtained to
observe the “ideal” speaker and listener. Good classroom atmosphere can provide
the best condition for solving the communication breakdown. The major objective
of our communicative activities are to make our learners practice their oral skills,
conversational abilities that assist to know how to act when interacting with native
speakers and how to avoid communication vacuum whenever they are involved in
Communicative competence is defined in terms of several components:
•Strategic competence
•Grammatical competence
•Sociolinguistic competence
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nalishlar: muammo va yechimlar
The latter component can be named as foreign language aptitude.
If a speaker has strategic, grammatical and sociolinguistic competence, then
they will hold an effective conversation. However, they know grammar,
pronunciation, vocabulary, but they do not know when and how to use the language.
Consequently, we must teach pupils not only components of foreign language
aptitude, but also develop their pragmatic and intercultural awareness, they will
certainly not come up against communicative
breakdown when they have
communication with native speakers.
In conclusion, there are no dispiriting conditions that can not be solved. If any
foreign language teacher uses the salient communication-based techniques, their
students never be in communication vacuum. Whenever it occurs with them, they
manage to overcome it explicitly using prior knowledge of strategies provided in
English classes. As soon as we tackle such problems lead to communication
breakdown then we establish the communicative proficiency of the EFL speakers on
the other hand, our own learners. Importantly, all
components of communication
competence should be taught at early stages of teaching, not waiting until the learners
get advanced levels.