• ”thunderstanding 1 ”
  • Mas’ul muharrirlar: Olimjon Tojiyev

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    “thinking” and “understanding (“which, we believe, are no less important ones in 
    any learning, including foreign languages), and not for nothing these skills are all 
    intentionally subordinated to one prime purpose – speaking (communication by 
    means of language).
    The role and importance of the four integrated skills permanently shadowed 
    by or even blended in with “thinking” and “understanding” (because they are such 
    interdependent and interlinked skills that you can’t imagine one without the other, 

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    so then we can blend them into such a skill as ”thunderstanding
    ” for short and 
    hereinafter referred to as such)are great here because trainees feel highly motivated 
    in learning a certain topic not only, for example, by speaking, but also by careful and 
    purposeful integration of it with reading, listening and even writing about something 
    related to the topic under study, permanently thinking of, meditating over, 
    scrutinizing, understanding and concluding what, why, when, where and what for 
    these four traditional skills are being taught.
    When integrated, the five skills (speaking, reading, listening, writing, 
    thunderstanding) really do wonders, as various activities are masterfully combined 
    and blended as to the purpose and the requirements of the interactive methods of 
    teaching foreign languages, creating an atmosphere of mutual understanding, 
    cooperating (interacting in pairs, groups, teams), exchanging ideas and opinions, 
    discussing, criticizing one other, prompting one another, peerlearning and giving 
    joint answers and taking joint decisions on the tasks and errands they are entrusted 
    with in auditorium, even assessing the results of their own activities.
    Of course, we have more or less practice and experience of teaching the four 
    traditional skills in language learning, there have been offered certain methodologies 
    of teaching them, but how about ”thunderstanding”? This problem seems to have 
    slipped out of the minds of psycholinguists and methodologists, for there are, we 
    guess, almost no researches on these two very significant skills, their importance and 
    role in learning and teaching, to say nothing of procedures, methods and 
    methodology of forming and developing such habits and skills.
    We consider that it is advisable and necessary to teach thunderstanding along 
    with the other four skills. So, thunderstanding is such an activity and ability which 
    is no less important than the others in any learning (including languages) and it 
    should have its own procedures, methods and methodology of teaching, as well as 
    its own time budget allotted for forming and developing thunderstanding habits and 
    skills in classroom, in order that teachers should have certain systematic activities in 
    classroom or outside it and regularly and consciously form and develop these habits 
    and skills with trainees.
    We think that along with the traditional four skills thunderstanding as a skill 
    should also be taught to trainees by systematically carrying out such useful activities 
    as skimping, skimming, scanning, meditating, concluding and understanding. 
    Let’s shortly characterize them.  
    So, skimping [skɪmpɪŋ] is an activity and ability of performing (working, etc.) 
    carelessly, hastily, or with inadequate materials or dealing with or treating (a subject) 
    briefly or superficially.
    Compare:"smoke" + "fog" = "smog" as a good example of blending. hence is “thunderstanding” as the blending of 
    “thinking” and “understanding”.

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