Neonatal Intensive Care Drug Manual

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Revision Date : 07/12/2020

Approved : NS


Cryoprecipitate is a concentrated preparation containing fibrinogen (factor I), factor VIII, factor XIII, von Willebrand factor (VWF) and fibronectin derived from fresh frozen plasma (FFP).

Consider in neonatal bleeding disorders with severe coagulopathy and/or low fibrinogen levels despite administration of platelets and/or FFP.


5-10mL/kg, starting at no more than 5mL/min.

10mL/kg every 6-12 hours as needed.


As required


IV over 30 minutes.

Total Daily Dose:


Transfusion should be started as soon as it is received from blood bank and completed within 4 hours of thawing .

Use a new blood administration set with a 170-200micron filter (do not piggy back onto other lines). At completion of a transfusion, flush the line to ensure the patient receives the entire dose.

Supplied as:

Cryoprecipitate is issued thawed; there may be a delay of 20 to 30 minutes from the time of request until supply due to thawing.


Do not add any medication to the cryoprecipitate or to the giving set.


There may be 2 expiry dates on the pack, one from the time of freezing and the other from the time of thawing – use expiry date from time of thawing..

Do not refreeze or refrigerate once thawed.


Commence immediately or contact the transfusion service provider for storage advice.

Do not refrigerate once thawed.

If it has been out of controlled storage for more than 30 minutes if cannot be re-stored.

Each cryoprecipitate pack should be completed within 4 hours of removal from controlled storage or before the expiry time of the pack or Tranfusion Compatibility Report (whichever is sooner)


Do not infuse with or through a line that has previously contained calcium (such as Hartman’s solution) as it may cause clotting of the infusion line. Cryoprecipitate should preferably be ABO compatible.


Normal Saline

Serum Levels:

Repeat coagulation studies 4-8 hours post transfusion


Uptodate 2020.

Drug Doses. Frank Shann, 17th Edition, 2017.

Fresh Blood Products Administration Procedure. The Canberra Health Services. 2017.

Neonatal Transfusion Recommendations. The Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne.

New Zealand Blood Service.

Original version Date: 9/1/2014

Author: AK, JD

Current Version number: 2

Version Date: 7/12/2020

Risk Rating: Low

Due for Review: 7/12/2025

Approved by: DTC

Approval Date: TBA

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Neonatal Intensive Care Drug Manual

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