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    Klinika 2023й Равшанова И .Э.

    Asosiy va qo’shimcha o’quv adabiyotlar hamda axborot manbalari
    Asosiy adabiyotlar
    1.Po‘latxo‘jayeva M.R. Defektologiyaning klinik asoslari. O‘quv qo‘llanma. T.: TDPU – 2013.
    2. D.Madazizova. Bolalar rivojlanishidagi niqsonlarning klinik asoslari. O‘quv qo‘llanma. T.: TDPU – 2017.
    3. Sodiqova Q, Aripova S.X, Shaxmurova G.A . Yosh fiziologiyasi va gigiyenasi. T.: “Yangi asr avlodi” - 2009.

    Qo’shimcha adabiyotlar
    1 .Sodiqova G.Q. Bolalar nevrologiyasi T “ Iqtisod-moliya” 2008 y.
    2. Davletshin M.G va boshqalar, Yosh davrlari va pedagogik psixologiya. T-2004.
    3. Michael Alan Taylor and Nutan Atre Valdya - 2009
    4. Alfredo Ardila “Aphasia Handbook” Florida International University -2014
    5. Brad Bolon Fundamental Neuropathology for Pathologists and Toxicologists - 2011
    Internet saytlari

    1Madazizova D. R. Bolalar rivojlanishidagi nuqsonlarning klinik asoslari. O’quv qo’llanma. T:TDPU – 2017.

    2Clinical Pediatric Neurology. © 2009 Demos Medical Publishing, LLC. p-11

    3Children with complex medical issues in schools : neuropsychological descriptions and interventions / [edited by] Christine L. Castillo. p. ; cm.

    4 Brain Facts. A PRIMER ON THE BRAIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM. Copyright ©2005, 2006 Society for Neuroscience 1121 14th Street, NW, Suite 1010 Washington, DC 20005 USA (p.4)

    5. A.G.Ivanov-Smolenskiy (1929)

    6Children with complex medical issues in schools : neuropsychological descriptions and interventions / [edited by] Christine L. Castillo. p. ; cm.

    7Children with complex medical issues in schools : neuropsychological descriptions and interventions / [edited by] Christine L. Castillo. p. ; cm.

    8L.V.Neymon audiometrik tekshirish

    9Kandel, Eric R.; Schwartz, James H.; Jessell, Thomas M. (2000). Principles of Neural Science Fourth Edition. United State of America: McGraw-Hill. p. 324.

    10Disability and Discourse Analysis. Jan Grue. University of Oslo, Norway. – 2015. ‘-51

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