• Error Message Notes
  • PostalOne!® Mail dat Technical Guide Version 19 0 March 2009 preface

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    Wizard Web Service

    Words in brackets and italics, such as [number], indicate a value automatically added to the error message by the PostalOne! system. For example, the maximum size of a specific field might be inserted if that maximum was exceeded.

    Table E-4. Wizard Web Service Error Messages

    Error Message


    A null line item is not valid#

    A null line item summary entry is not valid.

    A Volume Number was provided, but an Issue Number was not found. If you provide a Volume Number, then you must also provide an Issue Number.

    Actual pieces can't be zero or less

    Actual Qualification Report should contain valid Combined Mailing ID [combined mailing ID]

    Actual Qualification Report should contain valid qualification Report ID [qualification report ID]

    Actual Rate Category is required for MLOCR One Pass Finalization line items.

    Advertising percentage must be a positive number.

    Advertising percentage must be between 0% and 100%.

    Advertising percentage must not be more precise than 2 decimal places.

    Affixed Metered Method is not correct

    Affixed Postage Statement came without Permit Info for adjustments.

    Affixed rate value [rate] is not a published rate.

    Affixed rate value [rate] is not a one-ounce published rate.

    All versions must be requester/nonrequester or all versions must be subscriber/nonsubscriber

    All versions must have the same customer group id

    All versions must have the same mailing agent permit.

    All versions must have the same mailing group id.

    All versions must have the same post office of mailing zip

    All versions must have the same postage payment method

    All versions must have the same Agency Code

    All versions must have the same Agency Cost Code

    All versions must have the same CAPS id

    All versions must have the same job ID

    All versions must have the same mailing owner permit

    All versions must have the same over 10

    All versions must have the same processing category

    All versions must have the same publication title

    All versions must have the same publisher permit

    All versions must have the same rate type

    barcode contains illegal meta-characters.

    barcode must be 20 characters.

    Barcode Rate is required for each line item.

    [Entry discount value] is an invalid Entry Discount.

    CMM ( CUSTOM_MARKETMAIL ) does not support special services.

    The mailing claims both customized mailing rates and special services. Remove one.

    CMM does not support special services.

    The mailing claims both customized mailing rates and special services. Remove one.

    Combined Id is not positive number

    comments contains illegal meta-characters.

    comments must be 200 or less characters.

    Conflicting summary lines for line number [number]

    Congressional cost code [cost code] not found. Congressional postage statements must use a valid cost code.

    Congressional OMAS Account is not correct : [account]

    contactAtMDSA contains illegal meta-characters.

    contactAtMDSA is required.

    contactAtMDSA must be 60 or less characters.

    contactName contains illegal meta-characters.

    contactName is required.

    contactName must be 60 or less characters.

    contactPhone must be 3 digit or characters.

    contactPhoneAtMDSA must be 3 digit or characters.

    Container Type is required.

    containerDisplayName contains illegal meta-characters.

    containerDisplayName is required.

    containerDisplayName must be 50 or less characters.

    containerSubType contains illegal meta-characters.

    containerSubType is required.

    containerSubType must be 1 character.

    containerType must be 1 character.

    contype is an invalid Container Type.

    Copies in the line item must not be less than 0.

    Could not validate service code

    Cumulative Postage is improperly set on one or more container detail items. It must be equal to the running total of postage.

    Cumulative Postage should be a number greater than 0, when submitting a batch manifest.

    Cumulative Postage should be blank or 0 when not submitting a batch manifest.

    Customer Container ID is required.

    Customer Group ID contains illegal meta characters

    Customer Group ID is invalid for the specified Mailing Group

    Customer qualification report ID must have length <= 66

    customerContainerID is required.

    customerContainerID must be 50 or less characters.

    DAL pieces must not exceed total pieces for the mailing

    DAL Pieces should be zero or more than zero

    Destination ZIP code is required.

    Destination ZIP code must be 3, 5 or 6 characters.

    Detail Line Item with balloon surcharge cannot have piece-weight over 20 lbs

    Discount quantity must be a positive number.

    Discount quantity should be number of pieces (Integer) for discount type [type].

    dropShipmentAppointmentNo contains illegal meta-characters.

    dropShipmentAppointmentNo is required.

    dropShipmentAppointmentNo must be 12 or less characters.

    Duplicate statements specified. ID= [IDs]

    Duplicate Version Id

    [Value] is an invalid Enclosing Class.

    Entry Discount is required for each line item.

    Entry Discount Type is required.

    Entry Facility Type must be ORIGIN when Register of Mailing is not submitted.

    Entry Facility Type value of [type] is an invalid value.

    Entry Point Facility Type is required.

    Entry Point ZIP code is required.

    Entry Point ZIP must be 3, 5 or 6 characters.

    Entry ZIP code is required for Register of Mailing.

    Entry ZIP code must be 3, 5 or 6 characters.

    Entry ZIP code must be empty when Register of Mailing is not submitted.

    Failed to get publication title for permit [type] (permit type) [number] (permit).

    Finance Number was not found.

    First Class's First Class Parcels and Flats less than 1oz need equal number of non machinable surcharge pieces.

    First Issue Date is for 3541-M only.

    First Issue Date is required for 3541-M.

    First userStatementSequenceNumber may not exceed length [length]

    First-class 1 oz Parcel or Flats must have equal number of nonmachinable surcharge pieces.

    For In-County, the number of pieces eligible for the Delivery Unit discount must be <= the number of copies going to the Delivery Unit.

    For In-County, the number of pieces with DDU discounts must be <= total number of addressed pieces.

    For In-County, the number of pound-rate copies must equal the number of piece-rate copies.

    For MLOCR First-Class mailing of flats, precancelled stamps are not allowed.

    For Outside-County, the number of piece-rate pieces must equal the number of piece-rate copies.

    For Outside-County, the number of pound-rate copies must equal the number of piece-rate copies.

    For permit rate code [value] Limited Circulation Discount cannot be claimed.

    For Postage Statement #[ID] Machinable Flats with rate category of L4, L6, L3, L5, H, or K are not allowed if copy-weight is over 1.25 pounds

    Form type is required.

    Found non cards line item in the cards container.

    getPhoneAreaCode contains illegal meta-characters.

    getPhoneAreaCodeAtMDSA contains illegal meta-characters.

    Heavy Letter should be set to false for each line item.

    Illegal Permit State

    In a qualification report submission for form type other than periodical, the in-out county indicator must OTHER not [value]. Please check the in-out county indicator and zone values.

    In a qualification report submission for form type periodical, the in-out county indicator must be one of IN_COUNTY or OUT_COUNTY or FOREIGN not [value].

    In a qualification report submission, the in-out county indicator must be populated.

    Inout county indicator is required for each line item.

    Invalid average piece weight for a line must be between 0.00001 and 15.0000

    Invalid average piece weight for a line with weight break of ([value]). it must be between 0.2063 and 0.9999

    Average piece weight is above the maximum.

    Invalid average piece weight for a line with weight break of ([value]). it must be between 0.00001 and 0.2063

    Average piece weight is below the minimum.

    Invalid average piece weight for a line with weight break of ([value]). it must be between 0.2063 and 0.2188

    Average piece weight is not in heavy letter weight range.

    Invalid Bundle Level ([value])

    Invalid bundle line item, you must specify container level.

    Invalid bundle or container line item, it only has container level ( [value])

    Invalid Carrier-Route Number crn Check the first character to make sure it is valid.

    Invalid Carrier-Route Number crn The last number except first one should be digits must be numbers

    Invalid combined mailing id [ID] for mailing group [ID].

    Invalid Container Charge Entry Facility Type ([type])

    Invalid Container Level ([type])

    Invalid container line item, it has invalid container type ([type]), container level ([level]) and entry level ([entry level]) combination.

    Invalid Container Type ([value])

    Invalid Container Type.

    Invalid Data Exception with message

    Invalid discount type ([value]) for In-County.

    Invalid discount type ([value]) for Outside-County

    Invalid Entry Discount Type

    Invalid Entry Point Facility Type: [type]

    Invalid Form type

    Invalid form type for Certified Mail

    Invalid form type for COD

    Invalid form type for PAL

    Invalid form type for Registered Mail

    Invalid form type for Restricted Delivery

    Invalid form type for Return Receipt

    Invalid form type for Return Receipt electronic

    Invalid form type for Return Receipt Merchandise

    Invalid form type for Signature Confirmation

    Invalid form type for Special Handling

    Invalid Form Type.

    Invalid In/Out County Indicator ([value]).In-County rates are not allowed for government publications.

    Invalid Limited Circulation Discount Claimed indicator value [value], must be one of: I, N, or Y

    Invalid line item, if the publisher permit type is PI then the only valid line types are bundle or container line.

    Invalid Mailing Group cannot be submitted.

    Invalid Mailing Group ID

    Invalid Origin.

    Invalid PaperElectronicInd.

    Invalid payment method for Delivery Confirmation

    Invalid payment method for Signature Confirmation

    Invalid Pending Periodical Statement Type

    Invalid Periodical Statement Type ([type])

    Invalid periodical statements cannot be submitted.

    Invalid Permit data.

    Invalid permit number or type for the [role] (role type )

    Invalid Permit Type.

    Invalid PlantVerifiedDropShipment cannot be submitted.

    Invalid Postage Payment Method [value].

    Invalid postage statements cannot be submitted.

    Invalid precancelled stamp value [value].

    Invalid processing category for form type and service of Signature Confirmation

    Invalid Processing Category [value]

    Invalid Processing Category.

    Invalid qualification reports - Stored procedure can't be called.

    Invalid qualification reports cannot be submitted.

    Invalid Rate Category ([value])

    Invalid Rate Level Indicator.

    Invalid Rate Type [value].

    Invalid Recipient Typ [value]

    Invalid service code

    Invalid service code ([value]) provided for special services

    Invalid service sub code for service code ssc

    Invalid special service summary information

    Invalid special service summary information

    Invalid Surcharge/Discount Type

    Invalid Surcharge/Discount Type ([value])

    Invalid Zone ([zone] ).

    Invalid Zone ([zone]) for In-County

    Issue Date is for 3541 only.

    Issue Date is required for 3541.

    Last Issue Date is for 3541-M only.

    Last Issue Date is required for 3541-M.

    Last userStatementSequenceNumber may not exceed length [maximum size]

    [value] is an invalid Entry Discount.

    [value] is an invalid Entry Facility Type.

    Limited Circulation Discount cannot be claimed because the number of outside county copies ([value])exceeds the circulation limit of lcd

    Limited Circulation Discount Claimed indicator is not set, must be one of: I, N, or Y

    Line item (index: [value]) is a duplicate.

    Line item copies must not be less than pieces.

    Line item single piece weight is required for Register of Mailing.

    Line item total piece postage of [total] is greater than the maximum of [value]

    Line item total piece postage of [total]is less than the minimum of [value]

    Line item total pound postage of pamt is less than the minimum of [value]

    Line item total pound postage of pamt is greater than the maximum of [value]

    Line Item with balloon surcharge cannot have average piece-weight over 20 lbs

    [value] is an invalid Actual Rate Category.

    [value] is an invalid Weight Break Type.

    Mailing cannot be accepted for the Permit supplied - please contact PostalOne!

    Mailing Date is required.

    Mailing Group [ID] is not One Pass Mailing Group.

    Mailing Group is closed

    Mailing section could not be validated due to incomplete form.

    MailingInfo is required to validate Mailing Group.

    Metered Affixed Method should be null

    Metered Affixed Method should be null for pre-canceled stamp.

    MLOCR must be tray based preparation only

    MLOCR One Pass Indicator cannot be checked when presentation category is not MLOCR

    MLOCR standard mail letter maximum weight is 3.5 oz

    name contains illegal meta-characters.

    name is required.

    name must be 60 or less characters.

    NON USPS OMAS Agency Cost Code length is not correct

    Nonmachinable surcharge line item's piece count is not correct.

    Non-requester copies do NOT apply to recipient type Requester .

    Non-subscriber copies do NOT apply to recipient type Subscriber.

    Non-subscriber/Non-requester copies in the line item must not be less than 0.

    OMAS Agency Cost Code is not interger:::: [value]

    OMAS Agency Cost Code is not positive interger ::: [value]

    OMAS Agency Cost Code length is not six

    One of more DMM sections are larger than 12 characters.

    One of more DMM sections contain illegal meta-characters.

    one Pass Flag [value] contains illegal meta characters OR does not contain valid values.

    One Statement can't be first and last statement of combined Mailing. Combined Mailing must have at least two statements

    Only one of Rate Category,Discount Type or Zone should be filled out.

    Origin is required.

    originPlantLocation contains illegal meta-characters.

    originPlantLocation is required.

    originPlantLocation must be 80 or less characters.

    PaperElectronicInd is required.

    Parcel Surcharge is only applicable to rate categories 3-Digit and ADC

    [value] Is an invalid Processing Category.

    Pending Periodical Postage is required.

    Pending Periodical Statement Type is required.

    Periodical statement ([value]), was not found in group([ID])

    Periodical Statement Type is required.

    Periodical versions can't come with null version id.

    Periodicals can't have more than one version per statement.

    Permit holder's permit type [type] is invalid for form type [number].

    Permit Number is provided with version [value] but Permit Type is not provided

    Permit Number is required

    Permit Number/Type is invalid for Mailing Group

    Permit Number/Type/Zip is invalid for Mailing Group

    Permit type for permit holder must be set.

    Permit Type is provided with version [value] but Permit Number is not provided

    Permit Type is required.

    Permit was not found.

    phoneAreaCode is required.

    phoneAreaCodeAtMDSA is required.

    PhoneLast4 contains illegal meta-characters.

    phoneLast4 is required.

    phoneLast4 must be 4 digit or characters.

    phoneLast4AtMDSA contains illegal meta-characters.

    phoneLast4AtMDSA is required.

    phoneLast4AtMDSA must be 4 digit or characters.

    phonePrefix contains illegal meta-characters.

    phonePrefix must be 3 digit or characters.

    phonePrefixAtMDSA contains illegal meta-characters.

    phonePrefixAtMDSA must be 3 digit or characters.

    phonePrefixis required.

    phonePrefixisAtMDSA required.

    Piece Postage must be greater than zero.

    Piece Postage must be set to zero.

    Piece Rate must be set to zero.

    Pieces in the line item must not be less than 0

    Please check Combined Mailing Total Statements. Total Statement should be more than 0

    Please check CombinedId. Combined Id is already exist. Can't used again for new combined mailing

    Please check CombinedId. Combined Id is not correct.

    Post Office of Mailing ZIP code is required.

    Post Office of Mailing ZIP code must be a 5 digit number.

    Post Office of Mailing ZIP code must be numeric.

    Post Office of Mailing ZIP code [value] must be a 5 digit number.

    Post Office of Mailing ZIP code [value] must be numeric.

    Post Office Of Mailing Zip is required.

    Post Office Of Mailing Zip must not contain non-numeric characters.

    Postage affixed amount for the mailing is required when payment method is postage affixed.

    Postage affixed amount for the mailing must be 0 when payment method is permit imprint.

    Postage affixed amount for the mailing must not be less than 0

    Postage Amount must be set to zero.

    Postage cannot be calculated for invalid postage statements.

    Postage Payment Method is required.

    Postage should be a number greater than 0, when submitting a batch manifest.

    Postage should be blank or 0 when not submitting a batch manifest.

    Postage statement ([ID]), was not found in group ([ID]).

    Postage statement claims nonprofit rates, but system was unable to find record of nonprofit authorization or application for mail owner permit for permittype and permitNumber.

    Postage Statement is required to validate Mailing Group.

    postageStatementSeqNo = [value] and customerGroupID = [value] combination does not exist.

    postageStatementSeqNo [value] cannot be used twice in one container.

    Pound Postage must be greater than or equal to zero.

    Pound Postage must be set to zero.

    Pound Rate must be set to zero.

    [value] is an invalid Packaging Basis.

    Preparation Date is required.

    Preparer is required to validate Mailing Group.

    Preparer permit number is required.

    Preparer permit type contains illegal meta characters

    Processing Category is required.

    Publisher must be specified

    Qualifiaction Reports can't be submitted without containers

    Qualification Report is required to validate Mailing Group.

    qualification reports with Invalid QualReportid - Stored procedure can't be called.

    Rate Category is required for each line item.

    Rate Level is required.

    Rate Type is required.

    [value] is an invalid Rate Category.

    Recipient Type is required.

    Register of Mailing can only be included with an extended form.

    Repositionable Notes are not allowed with Irregular Parcels.

    Requester/Non-requester copies shouldn't be all 0 for recipient type Requester/Nonrequester.

    Required data for postage rate calculation was missing.

    Restricted Delivery Pieces can't be more than the total pieces of Insured, certified and registered collect on delivery pieces.

    Return Receipt Electronics Pieces can't be more than the total pieces of Insured, certified, registered and collect on delivery pieces.

    Return Receipt Pieces can't be more than the total pieces of Insured, certified, registered and collect on delivery pieces.

    Ride Along Weight is for 3541 only.

    [value] is an invalid Rate Type.

    Single copy weight must be a positive number.

    Single copy weight must be between 0 and 6 pounds.

    Single copy weight must not be more precise than 4 decimal places.

    Single piece Dimensional weight must be a positive number.

    Single piece weight Dimensional must not be more precise then 4 decimal places.

    Single piece weight for [process category] [rate category] line items must be between 0 and .2063 pounds.

    Single piece weight for [process category] [rate category] line items must be between 0 and .8125 pounds.

    Single piece weight for [process category] [rate category] line items must be between 0 and .2188 pounds.

    Single Piece weight for the line item is not same as it's specified version's weight.

    Single piece weight must be a positive number.

    Single piece weight must be between [minimum] and [maximum] pounds.

    Single piece weight must not be more precise then 4 decimal places.

    Single ride along weight must be a positive number.

    Single ride along weight must be between 0 and 0.2063 pound.

    Single ride along weight must be less than or equal to copy weight.

    Single ride along weight must not be more precise than 4 decimal places.

    Single sheet weight must be between 0 and .9999 pounds.

    Single sheet weight must not be more precise than 4 decimal places.

    Sortation Level is required.

    Special service amount, for service service is greater than the calculated max of [total]

    Special service amount, for service service is less than the calculated minimum of: [total]

    Special Service summary ([value]) is a duplicate.

    Special service total amount must be greater than zero.

    Special service total amount must be set to zero.

    Special service total pieces must be a positive number.

    Special service value must be zero or a positive number.

    Special service value must not be more precise then 4 decimal places.

    [value] is an invalid Sacking Basis.

    Statement cannot be submitted with Total Affixed Postage and Affixed Piece Rate.

    Statements marked for consolidation must not contain bundle or container charges.

    Statements marked for consolidation must not contain bundle or container charges.

    status contains illegal meta-characters.

    status is required.

    status must be 10 or less characters.

    Subscriber/Non-subscriber copies shouldn't be all 0 for recipient type Subscriber/Nonsubscriber.

    Subscriber/Request copies in the line item must not be less than 0.

    Subscriber/Requester copies do NOT apply to recipient type Nonsubscriber/Nonrequester.

    Summary Line item total piece postage of [value] is greater than the maximum of [maximum]

    Summary Line item total piece postage of [value] is less than the minimum of [minimum]

    Summary Line item total pound postage of [value] is less than the minimum of [minimum]

    Summary Line item total pound postage of [value] is greater than the maximum of [maximum]

    Summary Line with balloon surcharge cannot have piece-weight over [maximum]

    Summary Line with balloon surcharge cannot have piece-weight over 20 lbs

    [value] is an invalid Surcharge

    [value] is an invalid Zone.

    Surcharge is required for each line item.

    The name must be [maximum] characters or less.

    The [role] (role type) name is required.

    A permit is missing a name.

    The [role] (role type) phone number is required.

    A permit is missing a phone number.

    The agency code contains illegal meta-characters.

    The agency code must be 3 characters or less.

    The agency cost code must be 5 characters or less.

    The application fee for permit PermitHolder' permit type [type] PermitHolder [number] in finance number [value] has not been paid.This permit may not be used to pay for a mailing until the application fee is paid."

    The application fee for permit [value] in finance number [value] has not been paid. This permit may not be used to pay for a mailing until the application fee is paid.

    The CAPS ID contains illegal meta-characters.

    The CAPS ID must be 40 characters or less.

    The Carrier-Route Number contains illegal meta-characters.

    The Carrier-Route Number must be 4 characters in length.

    The Certification section is required.

    The Container Barcode contains illegal meta-characters.

    The Container Barcode must be 50 or less characters.

    The container display name (s) contains illegal meta-characters.

    The Container Display Name contains illegal meta-characters.

    The Container section is required!

    The Customer Container ID ([ID]) contains illegal meta-characters.

    The Customer Container ID contains illegal meta-characters.

    The Customer Container ID must be 50 or less characters.

    The Customer Container ID must be unique for each container.

    The Customer Description must be [maximum] or less characters

    The Customer Group ID is required.

    The Customer Group ID must be [maximum] or less characters.

    The Document versions section should not be included.

    The edition code [value] contains illegal meta-characters.

    The edition code [value] must be 60 characters or less.

    The issue frequency value contains illegal meta-characters.

    The issue frequency value must be 8 characters or less.

    The Job ID contains illegal meta-characters.

    The Job ID [value] contains illegal meta-characters.

    The Job ID [value] must be 8 characters or less.

    The Job ID must be 8 characters or less.

    The last 4 digits of the signer phone number are invalid. It must be a 4 digit number.

    The Line item section is required.

    The Line item section should not be included.

    The Line item summary section is required.

    The Line item summary section should not be included.

    The Mail End Seq No contains illegal meta characters.

    The Mail End Seq No is required when submitting a batch manifest.

    The Mail End Seq No must be 50 or less characters.

    The Mail End Seq No should be blank when not submitting a batch manifest.

    The Mail Start Seq No contains illegal meta characters.

    The Mail Start Seq No is required when submitting a batch manifest

    The Mail Start Seq No must be 50 or less characters.

    The Mail Start Seq No should be blank when not submitting a batch manifest.

    The mailer role is invalid.

    The mailer role is required.

    The Mailing Information section is required.

    The MailingAgent/Preparer section is required.

    The number of 1mm tray containers specified cannot be negative.

    The number of 2emm tray containers specified cannot be negative.

    The number of 2mm tray containers specified cannot be negative.

    The number of flat containers specified cannot be negative.

    The number of issues this month is for 3541-M only.

    The number of other containers specified cannot be negative.

    The number of pallet containers specified cannot be negative.

    The number of sack containers specified cannot be negative.

    The Parent Container ID contains illegal meta-characters.

    The Parent Container ID must be 50 or less characters.

    The Permit Holder section is required.

    The permit number/type/zipcode specified for the [value] (role type) needs technical assistance, please contact PostalOne!

    The Post Office Of Mailing Zip must be 5 characters.

    The Prepared as Standard Mail indicator should be set to false.

    The Prepared as Standard Mail indicator should be set to true.

    The Presort SW Company contains illegal meta-characters.

    The Presort SW Company must be 50 or less characters

    The Presort SW Product contains illegal meta-characters.

    The Presort SW Product must be 50 or less characters.

    The Presort SW Version contains illegal meta-characters.

    The Presort SW Version must be 10 or less characters.

    The publication title [title] must be 60 characters or less.

    The publication title [title] contains illegal meta-characters.

    The Publisher section is required.

    The [value] (role type ) permit type is required.

    The [value] (role type ) permit number is required

    The [value] (role type ) permit type is invalid.

    The [value] (role type ) permit number and type is not an active permit for the zip code specified.

    The Sibling Container ID must be 6 characters or less.

    The signer name contains illegal meta-characters.

    The signer name must be [maximum size] characters or less

    The signer phone number area code is invalid. It must be a 3 digit number.

    The signer phone number area code is invalid. It must be numeric.

    The signer phone number is required in the Certification section.

    The single piece dimensional weight for the line item is required …

    The single piece weight for the line item is not the same as the single piece weight specified for the postage statement

    The single piece weight for the line item is required…

    The Special Service detail section should not be included.

    The Special Service summary section should not be included.

    The statement sequence number [value] contains illegal meta-characters.

    The statement sequence number [value] must be 20 characters or less.

    The total pieces for a special service should not exceed total pieces for the postage statement.

    The Version ID must be 10 characters or less.

    There must be at least one container specified.

    This Flat Rate Indicator is not supported for this processing of this form type:: [value]

    To submit a First-Class statement with cards and letters, the processing category of each line must be either card or letter.

    Total Copies should be positive number.

    Total Pieces in the line item are required.

    Total pieces of total copies should be positive number

    Total Pieces should be a number greater than 0.

    Total Weight for the line item must equal the single piece weight * total pieces.

    Total Weight in the line item is required.

    Total Weight in the line item must not be less than 0.

    Total Weight must not be more precise then 4 decimal places.

    Unknown postage affixed payment method.

    User does not have right to view this Postage Statements. If you think this is incorrect please contact PostalOne!.

    User does not have rights to view this Periodical Statements. If you think this is incorrect please contact PostalOne!.

    Version [ID] has form type [number] Form type must be PERIODICAL

    version id for Container line [value] is null.

    Version Id for the line item is not found in the versions specified for the postage statement.

    version id for Version line [value] has null version id

    Version is required for line [value] for versioned statement.

    Version [value] has invalid pending periodical statement type

    Version [value] has no entry facility type. Entry facility type is required.

    Version [value] has no entry zip. Entry zip is required.

    Version [value] has no pending periodical statement type

    Version [value] has stage [value]. Stage must be [value].

    Version [value] has statement type [value]. Consolidated statements may not include other consolidated statements.

    Version [value] is already consolidated under statement [ID].

    Version [value] is in group [ID]. Target group number is [ID].

    Version [version] has PeriodicalMailingInfo=NULL!

    Version [version] is NULL!

    Versions are not used for line items.

    Versions must have at least weights or affixed postage.

    Versions were declared for the Qualification Report but not used in the containers.

    Weight Break Type is required for each line item.

    Weight for Version line [value] has zero Weight.

    Weight of One Sheet is for 3541-M only.

    Weight of One Sheet is required for 3541-M.

    You do not have access to a permit to open a mailing group. If you feel this is incorrect, please contact PostalOne! with details.

    You must specify at least 2 versions to consolidate.

    You must specify one of Rate Category, Discount Type or Zone.

    Zone is required for each line item.

    Zone is required.


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    PostalOne!® Mail dat Technical Guide Version 19 0 March 2009 preface

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