Qarshi davlat universiteti international scientific and practical conference on algorithms and current problems of programming

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List of used literature: 
1. Mukhamediyeva D.T. Structure of fuzzy control module with neural network // 
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and 
Development (IJMPERD) ISSN (P): 2249-6890; ISSN (E): 2249-8001. -V. 9. -Issue 2. 2019. -
2. Terziyska M.A Distributed Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Network for Chaotic Time Series 
Prediction. Cybernetics and Information Technologies, 2015. -V. 15. -Issue 1. -RR. 24–33. 
3. Bodyansky Y., Kokshenev I., Kolodyazhniy V. An Adaptive Learning Algorithm for a 
Neo-Fuzzy Neuron, Proceedings of the 3rd Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy 
Logic and Technology, 2005. - RR.375-379 
4. Aliev R.A., Guirimov G.B. Type-2 Fuzzy Neural Networks and Their Applications. - 
Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2014. -203 p. 
5. Rahmonberdieva G.T., Doshchanova M.J., Zainutdinova M.B. Optimization problem of 
choice of management decisions in systems reengineering business processes // 4th 
International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies, 
AICT2010. –Tashkent, 2010. – p. 13-15. 
6. Yusupbekov N.R., Gulyamov Sh.M., Doshanova M.Yu. Neural identification of a 
dynamic model of a technological process // International Conference on Information 
Science and Communications Technologies, ICISCT 2019 Applications, Trends and 
Opportunities. –Tashkent, 2019, – pp. 1-8 
7. Yusupbekov N.R., Gulyamov Sh.M., Doshchanova M.Yu. Neuro-fuzzy modeling for 
predictive control systems with complex technological processes and production // 
International scientific and technical journal «Сhemical technology. Control and 
management». –Tashkent, 2020. –№1(91). –pp.73-83. 
8. Bodyanskiy Ye. Neuro-fuzzy Kolmogorov’s network for time-series prediction and 
pattern classification / Ye. Bodyanskiy, V. Kolodyazhniy, P. Otto // Lecture Notes in 
Artificial Intelligence. – V. 3698. – Heidelberg: Springer –Verlag. – 2005. – P. 191-202. 

Nosirov B.N. Mintaqadagi qishloq aholisiga aloqa va axborot xizmatlari ko‘rsatishni 
ekonometrik modellashtirishni indikativ rejalashtirish 

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Qarshi davlat universiteti international scientific and practical conference on algorithms and current problems of programming

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