A color is an object that allows you to change the clip palette
in the scenario without
A sound is an object that represents a sound symbol to which a button or clip is
connected in a scenario.
The stage is an object designed to control some parameters of the working table.
Text Fixed (mydoni's text) is a dynamic ActionScript that
operates in the scenario
between objects of the Button and MovieClip classes. The partition relationship between
them is very complicated as they can be transferred from one movie to another and even
change when moving from one scene to another. Cori class objects are designed to work
with movie objects and play an auxiliary role. If the movie objects fail to achieve standard
methods of handling (such as feature modification), they can be handled using Cori objects.
Specifically, the Cori object includes the following objects:
Text (mathematics) is an object used to work with numerical magnitudes in a scenario.
The ActionScripting language can be applied to a Text object differently from other classes
using the appropriate method to obtain the cosine value directly using the Text method.
Number (number) is an object with a numerical value designed
to perform specific
operations. For example, it can be used to identify more numb
The string (String) is an object used to work with strings in a scenario.
The date (Date) is an object used to work with calendar dates and times in a scenario.
Client/server class objects are designed to work with documents written in XML. While
some of these objects ensure that the loading of XML documents is processed and sent,
others serve to connect through sockets. Thus, ActionScript implements the application of
server processing of XML documents that hold Flash movies.