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    Asosiy oxirgi 17.05.2023 18.20

    Key words:
    informatization, electronic educational resources, digital educational 
    resources, information technologies, computer programs, digital devices. 
    В данной статье рассматривается использование электронно-
    образовательном процессе, в частности на занятиях русского языка. Рассмотрены 
    дидактические свойства и методические функций и компьютерных программ по 
    обучению русскому языку как иностранному и способов их интеграции в 
    образовательный процесс. 
    Ключевые слова:
    информатизация, электронно-образовательные ресурсы, 
    цифровые образовательные ресурсы, информационные технологии, компьютерные 
    программы, цифровые устройства. 
    Ushbu maqolada ta’lim jarayonida, xususan, rus tili darslarida elektron 
    ta’lim resurslari va raqamli ta’lim resurslaridan foydalanish masalalari muhokama 

    qilingan. Rus tilini xorijiy til sifatida o‘qitishning didaktik xususiyatlari va uslubiy 
    funktsiyalari va kompyuter dasturlari va ularni o‘quv jarayoniga integratsiya qilish yo‘llari 
    ko‘rib chiqilgan. 
    Kalit so‘zlar:
    axborotlashtirish, elektron ta'lim resurslari, raqamli ta'lim resurslari, 
    axborot texnologiyalari, kompyuter dasturlari, raqamli qurilmalar. 
    In modern conditions of informatization of education, the development of electronic 
    didactics, one of the most popular teaching aids in various fields of knowledge is 
    information technology and computer programs. 
    Today, important characteristics in the field of philology are the development and 
    implementation of educational resources in teaching both native and non-native languages. 
    The development and use of programs for teaching Russian as a foreign language are 
    widely used in educational practice. 
    Electronic educational resources have been part of the educational process for many 
    years. Electronic educational resources (EER) combines the entire range of teaching aids 
    that are developed and reproduced on the basis of computer technology. In other words, 
    EER is called educational materials, for the reproduction of which electronic devices are 
    used. You can also find the term "DER", that is, digital educational resources - that is, those 
    that are created on the basis of digital technologies and can be played using digital devices. 
    Digital educational resources (DER) are digitally presented photos, video clips and video 
    guides, static and dynamic models, virtual reality and interactive modeling objects, graphic 
    and cartographic materials, sound recordings, audio books, various symbolic objects and 
    business graphics, text papers and others. educational materials necessary for the 
    organization of the educational process. 
    Digital educational resources increase the speed of reading and the coefficient of 
    assimilation, improve attention, memory, expand the conceptual apparatus, which is 
    reflected in the results of diagnostics. The quality of education is largely determined by the 
    competence and level of professional activity of the Russian language teacher. 
    The DER creates problem situations and organizes the search activity of students, 
    enhances the emotional background of learning, forms learning motivation among 
    students, individualizes and differentiates the learning process. The goals of using the DER 
    in the lessons of the Russian language and literature are: 

    creating motivation (students will receive interesting and varied tasks in the form 
    they are used to); 

    Improving the quality of education for all (the ability to replicate and use materials 
    from the best specialists in any school); 

    formation of universal skills. 
    Currently, there is a rapid growth not only of computer programs in the field of 
    philology, but also the development of the Internet, as well as mobile programs. 
    Undoubtedly, the Internet is an unlimited source of information when learning the Russian 
    language, which makes it possible to organize virtual learning in a communicative space 
    and is a source of enrichment with new words, new terminology, and new variants of 
    conversational style. 
    The main directions of using electronic educational resources in the classroom: 

    Visual information (illustrative, visual material). 

    Interactive demonstration material (exercises, reference diagrams, tables, 

    Training apparatus. 

    Monitoring the skills of students. 

    Independent search, creative work of students. 

    Modern computer programs designed for teaching a foreign language are multimedia 
    programs that include: text, sound, graphics, video and animation, interactive programs 
    aimed at the formation and development of language and speech knowledge, skills and 
    abilities, as well as to control the level their formation. 
    When teaching languages with the help of computer programs, it is supposed to 
    introduce new types of exercises focused on training, expand the currently existing help 
    system of the program through the use of multimedia tips, supplement the complex for 
    each individual grammatical topic with an explanatory and demonstration part made in the 
    form of presentation films, appeal to which would allow the user to correct their mistakes, 
    in addition, it seems promising, based on the proposed approach and the program - the 
    editor of the base, to create a set of exercises for teaching grammar and vocabulary of the 
    Russian language, as well as a set of final control tasks-tests for exams in the Russian 
    To date, the methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language using information 
    technology is in its infancy. In this regard, there are no specialized computer programs. 
    Such programs should consider the following: 

    mastering the elementary level is carried out by Russian-speakers much faster and 
    easier than by non-Russian-speakers; 

    the interface with the choice of the Russian language will allow students to fully 
    use the dictionary, as well as perform exercises related to translation; today these 
    functions are not available to them without an intermediary language. 
    Thus, computer programs for teaching Russian as a foreign language have significant 
    didactic potential and can be used as auxiliary educational material both in classroom work 
    and in the course of self-training of students. However, the significant proximity of the 
    native and studied languages necessitates the development of a special type of computer 
    programs (and other electronic resources) designed to teach Russian as a foreign language. 
    The use of DER in the educational process can improve the quality of assimilation of 
    educational material and enhance educational effects. 

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    Qarshi davlat universiteti international scientific and practical conference on algorithms and current problems of programming

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