Xeshlash funksiyasiBog'liq xeshlashKalit
Ma'lumotlar, Abstraktlik, Ishonch, Protokollar, Tizimlar, Dasturlar, Xavfsizlik,
Matematik, Formalizmlar, Algoritm, Amalga oshirish, To'g'ridan-to'g'ri , Matematikiy
analiz, Tizim optimallashtirish, Elektronik imza, Parol, Blokcheyn, Kriptovalyuta
Abstract: A hash function is a mathematical operation that generates a unique hash
value from a piece of text. Its main purpose is to obtain a stable and stable hash value related
to the size, content and structural variables of the input text. Hashing functions can have
several properties, such as having short hash values, uniqueness, speed, and enabling data
integrity checks.
6 – TOM 5 – SON / 2023 - YIL / 15 - MAY
Hashing functions work through mathematical formulas and algorithms. Their main
characteristics are abstraction and trust. Abstractness means that hashing functions are
subject to problems and regularities in the process of generating a hash value from text.
Hashing functions, using mathematical formalisms and algorithms, allow for a high level of
abstraction and direct implementation in handling textual problems.
Trust, on the other hand, can be used to provide security in areas where hashing
functions are associated with other protocols, systems, or applications. The reliability of
hashing functions, their integrity and uniqueness ensure that the text has not been tampered
It also means that the abstraction and reliability of hashing functions is ensured by their
mathematical analysis and use in practice for many years. Their hashing functions perform a
wallet function in verifying data integrity, optimizing search algorithms, and providing
security aspects that are important in cryptographic practices such as electronic signatures,
passwords, blockchain technology, and cryptocurrencies.
Keywords:Variables, Column, Stable, Conciseness, Uniqueness, Speed, Data,
Abstraction, Trust, Protocols, Systems, Programs, Security, Mathematical, Formalisms,
Algorithm, Implementation, Directness , Mathematical analysis, System optimization,
Electronic signature, Password, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency
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