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«innovative academy» ilmiy

Nozimov Jakhongir Tokhirovich 
Master's degree from Bukhara State University 
Academic leader: M.N. Usmanova 
Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor. Bukhara State 

Annotation: We live in an era where the value of high technology is very high. The
Internet has become an integral part of our lives. He absolutely conquered all spheres of life.
For now, you cannot imagine any mobile device or computer without the Internet. Sometimes
you will be surprised at how people lived without them a few years ago and how they became
accustomed to it for a short time. The relevance of the topic of this article is that social
networks are becoming more and more. To date, they have mastered all the free time of youth
and children. In this article, opinions and comments are made about the psychological state of
internet dependence among students and young people.
Keywords: Internet, youth, students, psychology, social networks, dependence on
Internet, wasted time.

Some scientists seriously deal with the problem of dependence on the Internet and, in

particular, dependence on social networks. Every day millions of people spend their free time
on the Internet: to search for a job, to get acquainted with new people, to communicate with
friends, colleagues, to themselves the necessary information search, to share their knowledge
with others and to receive new ones. Now you rarely see young people watching the news.
Many have become accustomed to the fact that any information they need can be found on the
Internet, and for this they do not need to make a lot of effort. For example, you do not need to
go to the library and sort the literature. You can sit at home at the computer with a cup tea,
write down what you need in the search field, and the Internet will give you thousands of
results. The fact of internet dependence also says that more than half of young people need to
access the website at least once a day, and almost a quarter of adolescents access social
networks several times a day (from the report).
A person escapes from his problems and goes directly to social networks, where he can
forget about it and think of a new life, a new name, "get rid of". Man begins to perceive his
"ideal world" as part of reality and does not see the boundaries between them. A person
creates his own new image, having loaded himself with qualities that he may not have in life at
all. For example, a humble, self-absorbed person in a social network can manifest himself as a
friendly, open person. In the Virtual world, a person can show himself as a self-sufficient
person who does not need anything, he can meet his spouse, who, as he seems to himself, can
be very far away from him. Often, this “virtual image” has nothing to do with the person
himself who is looking for what is missing in real life in social networks, so this "ideal life" will
be more expensive for him than real.

«Zamonaviy dunyoda pedagogika va psixologiya»

nomli 10-son ilmiy, masofaviy, onlayn konferensiya
Many young people cannot do without virtual communication, completely forgetting
about communication in real life. Often people can see such a picture on their phones without
stopping, for example, in public places, on the street, even when they meet with friends. Over
time, a certain reflex develops, a person begins to constantly check his mail in the hope that
someone will write to him or visit his page. A person begins to get attached to it. For him it
will be important not only to show how he lives, but also to see how others live. Now it's not
just for a memorable album, where you can save the important moments of your youth life,
but also to place them all on the social network, and then start taking pictures to see who your
photos really like and read the reviews of friends and acquaintances. Acquaintances or friends
post photos from the wedding, graduation, travel, curiosity begins to prevail, no one wants to
miss interesting news, learn something new from the life of friends. Having browsed the
photos one by one, one page, the second, the third sheet, the person forgets about the time.
Today there are such "loyal" users who sit Day and night in social networks. In the
morning at work or at school, they first go to check their mail, sometimes they spend more
time than in the main business. When going home or to work, in the queue, when eating, they
use a phone or, for example, a tablet to access social networks. In the evening, returning home,
they again sit at the computer, and in the morning everything starts anew. It is worth noting
that such people are very fond of lighting their whole life in social networks, that is, with the
help of statuses. Statuses change not only according to the type of activity, for example,
"eating", "sleeping", "going to work", but also depend on the emotional experiences of this
person. The human condition described above is partly reminiscent of dependence on alcohol
or, for example, on drugs, from which we can say that dependence on social networks is a
disease of young people.
Being constantly on social networks is not the best activity for our brain. This cannot
be called some kind of full-fledged mental labor. A person spends his free time simply in vain,
instead of this, for example, it is possible to read a book or take a walk with friends. When
looking at the news tape of friends or their photos, a person does it quickly and does not think
about the incoming data flow. Also, putting information about yourself, for example, a mobile
phone number, age, address, personal photos on a public display, a person can fall into the
trap of fraudsters. Intruders can disrupt your account and get the necessary information from
your correspondence with your parents, friends or acquaintances. Despite all the negative
aspects of being in social networks, there are also pros. But first of all, it is necessary to know
when to stop and use it wisely. In social networks, there is nothing bad about meeting and
getting acquainted with new people, you can find similar people and talk on common topics,
find relatives, listen to music or watch movies. Communication on the internet can increase a
person's self-esteem and importance. The main thing is not to forget that this is just a
secondary connection, the main thing is communication in real life. The possibilities of the
Internet are almost endless, the only thing that the global network can never replace is the
pleasure of live communication, the pleasure of letters written with the hands of a friend or a
loved one, and sitting in front of other people. Flashing screen you can never go out on a
picnic with your friends in real life. This, of course, is a big disadvantage of the network, but at
the same time it is a big advantage, because you cannot go to virtual reality forever, after all,
we are not machines, we are living people. In conclusion, it should be noted that social
networks occupy more time of youth, they replace real communication and hobbies.

«Zamonaviy dunyoda pedagogika va psixologiya»

nomli 10-son ilmiy, masofaviy, onlayn konferensiya

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