2022, № 1 “Pedagogik mahorat” Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal
To the question in the table 5, we can see that many students cannot understand what they read. Only 8
% of them are able to fully understand the text they read, while nearly half of them understand about half of
the text that they read (Table 5).
Table 5
Question: 2
The response of students in percentages
Do you understand what you read?
(a) never or almost never
(b) somewhat
(c) about half
(d) most of it but not fully
(e) l fully understand
Questions about the methods that the students use while they read are also important investigation for
planning the teaching reading skills in my experiment and designing my manual for improving reading skills.
Since many students look at any pictures/illustrations, read titles and sub-titles
or using their previous
knowledge before reading to help them understand a text better, I put many pictures in every topic and text in
my manual, and for pre-reading activities there are questions which make the students guess what they will
learn from a coming text.
About half of them re-read or read slowly to grab the meaning of a text and nearly all students use
translation method for understanding a reading passage.
From the
Part IV testing students’ English reading skills through other skills begins.
In Part IV
students should listen to the audio of the text and answer to the questions given. Here students’ reading and
listening skills are tested.
Part V tests students reading and speaking skills, where students should
read the given text and
answer the questions orally. To get their speaking answers they need to send their answers by recording.
Questions on Reading and Writing skills are given in
Part VI, where students should write a summary
of the given text in about 40 words. It tests how students understand the text as well as their writing skills
with grammar and spelling mistakes.
In the last part, students’
reading comprehension is tested, where students
should read the small
paragraphs and answer the questions of each text.
After taking and analyzing the questionnaire at the beginning of the semester,
a pilot project was
conducted. The students were taught reading skills for 3 months, 15 classes and then they were tested again
at the end of the semester to check the result of the project. At the end of the semester, there were only tests
on reading skills with other skills such as listening, speaking and writing in the final questionnaire.