Unit 10
Practice exercises
Decide on the correct linking or signposting word and finish the sentences. Then w rite the
function. There may be more than one correct answer.
Example: I will look at the effects of peer pressure, and how young people can avoid peer pressure.
Function: Addition
There are not enough activities fo r teenagers in the area--------------- , many teenagers
ju s t socialize in the streets in the evenings.
2 ________ dealing w ith the results of youth crim e, we m ust address the causes.
3 Today I am going to ta lk about youth projects in the local area. Firstly, I w ill ta lk about
the sports projects. Then, I w ill ta lk about the c u ltu ra l projects
--------------- , I w ill ta lk
about the volunteering opportunities.
Function: --------------
Many students cannot get a place at u n iv e rs ity ________ rising tuitio n fees.
0 3
Teenagers are the future of this country,
Function: ________
many people ignore th e ir needs.
This ta lk has looked at many of the positive and negative aspects of vocational
courses fo r te e n s__________ although there are some drawbacks to these courses,
overw helm ingly they are a good thing.
Listen to the lecture and complete the gaps 1-6 in the notes using no more than three
words in each space.
Youth initiatives in the UK
(1 ] ______________ schemes
cheap and (2)
Sports clubs
num erous but (3)
3 (4)
lack of num bers
accom m odation problem s
In sum m ary, (6]_________
= (5) Not.
need to be found