• Methodology.
  • Iqtisodiyotni raqamlashtirish sharoitida buxgalteriya hisobi, iqtisodiy tahlil va auditni xalqaro standartlar asosida rivojlantirish muammolari va istiqbollari

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    QarMII konf 26-27 may 2023 (1)

    Analysis and results. 
    These studies and research papers provide valuable 
    insights into the importance of accounting and auditing of goods and material 
    resources. The studies show that effective inventory management practices can 
    positively impact the financial performance of a business, and that physical inventory 
    counts can enhance the accuracy of financial statements, which in turn can improve 
    audit quality. Compliance with financial reporting regulations is also shown to have a 
    positive impact on firm performance. The best practices for inventory management in 
    the manufacturing industry highlighted in one of the papers can help businesses 
    reduce costs, increase profitability, and optimize inventory levels. The role of 
    auditing in promoting accountability and transparency in public sector management is 
    also emphasized in one of the papers, highlighting the importance of compliance with 
    financial reporting regulations. These studies and research papers provide valuable 
    insights into best practices for managing goods and material resources and promoting 
    financial health in businesses. 
    To improve the accounting and auditing of goods and material 
    resources, businesses can implement various strategies and methodologies. Some of 
    the key methodologies that can be used include: 
    Implementing Effective Inventory Control Procedures: Effective inventory 
    control procedures involve establishing clear policies and procedures for managing 
    inventory. This includes defining inventory levels, setting up inventory tracking 
    systems, and establishing procedures for inventory ordering and replenishment. By 

    implementing effective inventory control procedures, businesses can reduce 
    inventory costs, minimize losses, and ensure accurate financial reporting. 
    Using Automated Inventory Tracking Systems: Automated inventory tracking 
    systems can help businesses to manage their inventory more efficiently and 
    effectively. These systems use advanced technology such as barcodes and RFID to 
    track inventory movement in real-time, providing businesses with accurate and up-to-
    date information on inventory levels and location. This can help to minimize errors 
    and discrepancies in inventory records, reduce the risk of stockouts, and improve 
    overall inventory management. 
    Conducting Regular Physical Inventory Counts: Regular physical inventory 
    counts are an essential component of effective inventory management. These counts 
    involve physically counting the inventory on hand to ensure that it matches the 
    inventory records. Regular physical inventory counts can help to identify 
    discrepancies in inventory records, minimize inventory losses, and ensure accurate 
    financial reporting. 
    Working with Accounting and Auditing Professionals: Working with accounting 
    and auditing professionals can help businesses to develop customized strategies for 
    managing goods and material resources. These professionals can provide expert 
    guidance on best practices for inventory management, compliance with financial 
    reporting regulations, and overall accounting and auditing practices. 
    Using Data Analytics to Optimize Inventory Levels: Data analytics can be used 
    to analyze inventory data and optimize inventory levels. By analyzing inventory data, 
    businesses can identify trends and patterns in inventory levels and usage, which can 
    be used to improve inventory forecasting and ordering. This can help to reduce 
    inventory costs, minimize inventory losses, and improve overall inventory 
    By implementing these methodologies and strategies, businesses can improve 
    their accounting and auditing practices related to goods and material resources. This 
    can lead to more accurate financial reporting, reduced costs, and increased 


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    Iqtisodiyotni raqamlashtirish sharoitida buxgalteriya hisobi, iqtisodiy tahlil va auditni xalqaro standartlar asosida rivojlantirish muammolari va istiqbollari

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