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Khashimova Naima Abitovna 
DSc.Professor, TSUE. 
Ziyamukhamedov Ulugbek Mahamadkarimovich 
Chairman of the Supervisory Board of IP LLC 
“Bab Energy ve Petrol Urunleri AS” 
To form the innovative nature of the existence of energy enterprises, the state and enterprises 
must be interested in cooperation. Of course, there may be some contradictions, but still the parties 
must fulfill their responsibilities as a certain necessity. For example, business owners are usually 
interested in the development of their business or the implementation of certain strategies, 
government representatives most often regulating the provision of reliable energy supply are 
interested in compliance with regulatory documents and environmental issues, enterprise personnel 
are mainly interested in issues of professional safety, and of course, consumers are interested in the 
conditions for ensuring high-quality electricity. 
Limited resources and increasing requirements for increasing the efficiency of electricity 
generation by energy industry enterprises are aimed at improving performance and achieving the 
strategic goals of enterprises by updating production, effective management and reducing costs. 

The development of a strategy for the innovative development of energy enterprises based on 
global trends, modern principles and methods, as well as on the basis of the formation of effective 
management systems is presented as a combination of such complementary elements as planning, the 
formation of an organizational structure and practical methods, carrying out the necessary procedures 
or processes, attracting the necessary resources. 
The growth in the development of new technologies or the choice and formation of a strategy 
for the development of innovation requires an expert audit of all activities of enterprises in all 
industries, including the energy sector. An energy audit will help identify problem areas of companies 
and determine the most important issues, the solution of which can have a decisive role in the 
development of enterprises. An audit by an expert company can provide reliable information about 
the financial condition, the level of qualifications of personnel, the optimal amount of resources, the 
state of research and material and technical bases, the potential for the development of innovations, 
the availability of necessary resources or its shortage, and ultimately all this data can create an 
opportunity selection of priority directions for the development of the enterprise. 
Based on the results of these analyzes and forecast data, it is possible to identify and 
systematize the problems of innovative development of the electric power complex, which can be 
divided into two groups: 
1. The first group includes all the problems of the enterprise that the enterprise is able to solve 
based on its innovative capabilities. 
2. The second group includes all problems that the enterprise is not able to solve due to some 
reasons or insufficient development of innovations in the company. 
Dividing the problems of an enterprise into these groups will provide an opportunity to 
identify those issues that the enterprise should focus on solving and the solution of which can make 
it possible to achieve certain goals. 
An accurate identification of the enterprise's problems can become the foundation for the 
construction of an innovation strategy and identify the right development paths that the enterprise 
should pay attention to in order to achieve effective results. 
Although innovative development is often considered as the introduction of certain new 
technologies, in fact, taking into account all the features of each situation and the diversity of 
enterprise goals, we can say that choosing the direction of innovative development, taking into 
account all facets of the subject’s activity, is a rather labor-intensive and yet complex task. One of 
the main requirements in this process is the selection of the most suitable innovations in each 
individual economic system. 
The search and selection of the most correct directions for the formation of an innovation 
strategy must meet certain requirements, which depend on the significance of the goal. The level or 
criteria of requirements depend on the level of the problem, the solution of which is the goal of the 
strategy. Requirements may be such as compliance with the corporate policy of the enterprise, the 
demand and complexity of solutions, the availability of all necessary resources for the development 
of new technologies, the correct orientation of temporary factors that are determined taking into 
account the risk of changes in the market situation, revision of the management system and 
improvement of its means and methods for creating the best option for coordinating innovation 
processes, as well as creating or updating goods and services of the enterprise. 
When studying all these problems and requirements for an innovation strategy, we should not 
forget that they tend to change under the influence of temporary factors. According to the principle 
of dividing problems into two groups that was proposed earlier, we can concentrate our attention 
precisely on those problems whose solution is more likely, and after a certain time, problems from 
the second group can move into the first if their solution became possible due to changes in 
capabilities company. And also those problems that were in the first group and have already been 
solved are completely excluded. 
Thus, with the correct distribution of capabilities and the desire to achieve strategic goals, the 
tasks of innovative development are constantly updated, the solution of which will allow the 

enterprise to achieve new levels and obtain the maximum effect from the introduction of new 
technologies. This, one might say, progressive change in the composition of groups is the result of 
proper management of the process and can become the basis for quality development. Depending on 
the content of the problem, several types can be defined that differ in the scale and complexity of the 
solution. The most common are the following: 
- achieving a high level of competitiveness of manufactured products, with the ultimate goal 
of increasing profits; 
- advanced training of personnel at all levels responsible for innovative development, in order 
to obtain the maximum effect from the innovative potential of the enterprise; 
- solving problems related to social or environmental issues and the safety of innovative 
projects. These problems change their structure based on the characteristics of the activities of each 
enterprise. In addition, they can determine the most necessary form of innovation implementation in 
existing conditions. 
An effective mechanism for implementing all the solutions provided for in the innovation 
strategy can become a lever of influence on problem areas and fundamentally solve the problems of 
successful innovation implementation. This mechanism must take into account all the features of the 
enterprise and be developed specifically for a specific industrial entity. It should also be noted the 
influence of the positive or negative aspects of the developed mechanism, which subsequently may 
either appear or disappear with the development of innovative activity. 
Innovative strategies of industrial enterprises are based on the individual capabilities and state 
of the production park of each economic entity separately, taking into account the characteristics of 
each. To determine the level of the technological park of any enterprise, the following indicators are 
studied: the enterprise’s orientation towards R&D as a promising path of development and the amount 
of research costs; level of innovation potential of the enterprise; the ratio of meeting the needs of the 
enterprise to new technologies with its capabilities. When developing a strategy for introducing new 
technologies, you should initially rely on reliable forecast data. 
The forecast of the financial capabilities of any business entity should determine the following 
- the manufacturer’s ability to compete and the potential volume of profit. Both of these 
characteristics can be considered as market potential. 
- availability of all necessary resources and means for the continuous operation of the 
- the difference between the expected amount of income that was predicted and the actual 
amount of profit of the enterprise. Sales of new products in case of negative differences or desire to 
expand production. 
Forecast data is necessary to conduct a thorough analysis of the innovative activity of the 
enterprise, as well as to determine the technical condition for choosing the development path of the 
This forecast can be carried out in technological, functional areas or in the product direction. 
The results of specialists’ forecasts serve as the basis for identifying the most relevant areas of 
innovative development and assessing all parameters. Here, the company evaluates the difference 
between the financial data of today and the forecast period, with the subsequent intention of 
eliminating them. For this assessment, it is necessary to conduct an in-depth study of the compliance 
of the new technologies being introduced with the capabilities of the enterprise and market demands. 
By studying all market trends and the conditions for introducing innovation, you can find out 
which innovations, under what conditions, are most acceptable for development by certain 
enterprises. Before making a decision, it is worth conducting a thorough analysis of the 
correspondence of the resource capabilities of the enterprise, for which the analysis of the areas of 
innovation and R&D is carried out, to the prospects expected from the implementation of these 

In reality, most often there are models for the formation of an innovation strategy with the 
main direction of activity development, which was designated after most of the above activities, but 
secondary goals are still retained or the main goal is branched out to support all the interests of the 
enterprise. The results of these measures create specific data and a good opportunity for detailed 
calculations, which can reveal the future tasks of the organization. 

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