“Ta’limda innovativ-kreativ texnologiyalarning qo’llanilishi, neyrolingvistik dasturlashning
amaliy asoslari” mavzusidagi xalqaro konferentsiya 2021-yil, 27-dekabr
teacher of
Bukhara regional center of retraining and in-service,
training personnel of public education. Department of
"Methods of teaching languages"
Various software and modern technologies are being introduced to make
students to get access with their subjects easily. This study aims to discuss the
availability of various technologies, their impact, their practical uses and the
problems associated with the application of modern technological tools.
Key words:
Modern technologies, available, tools, multiple intelligence, teaching
In the fast developing 21st century various innovative technologies are being
introduced to teach English in the classrooms. Knowledge base is fast doubling and
tripling in so short a time. To cope up with this trend, we have to use modern
technologies to teach English to the technical students. Students have to update
their knowledge by using modern technologies. Otherwise they will be relegated in
the job market. Maggie Sokolik observes:
Machines are now used as tools for communication rather than simply as
ways of delivering automated drills or exercises. Vast amount of reading on any
topic and in many languages are now available on the web, and the chance to
participate in discussions with people from all walks of life is motivating for many
learners. Modern technologies available for teachers of English today are:
Communication lab
Video conferencing
CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning)
TELL (Technology Enhanced Language Learning)
Pod casting
Quick Link Pen
Programmes through educational satellites
The integration of technology was started in the early 1960s and 1970s. In the
preliminary stage, people used tape recorders as a technological device to instruct
the students, which later evolved as communication laboratory. Every day people