Alimova Anastasia NikolaevnaBog'liq talim transformatsiyasiAlimova Anastasia Nikolaevna
Master of the Faculty of Preschool and Primary Education, Bukhara State Pedagogical
. The relevance of this article lies in how the state of a fourth-grade student and his
psychological feeling changes in mathematics and science lessons, in which students complete
TIMSS tasks (mathematical part). Attention is paid to the popular issue of revealing the essence of
the most international assessment study of comparative analysis of TIMSS in modern society and in
the dominant world powers - the leaders of international research, their merits in their contribution to
education and the restructuring of the process, in which special emphasis is placed on the
comprehensive development of the personality of a primary school student and his cognitive abilities.
Key words
: thinking, test questions, international research, differential approach, block,
educational environment, primary school student, primary education.
Qosimov Fayzullo Muhammadovich – Bux davlat pedagogika instituti “Boshlang‘ich ta’lim”
kafedrasi professori, fayzullo@gmail.com
Alimova Anastasiya Nikolaevna
Buxoro davlat pedagogika instituti Maktabgacha va boshlang‘ich ta’lim fakulteti magistri
. Ushbu maqolaning dolzarbligi to’rtinchi sinf o’quvchisi matematika va tabiiy
fanlardan TIMSS topshiriqlarini bajarayotgan vaqtida (matematik qism) o’quvchining o’zini qanday
his qilishi va psixologik holatining qanday o’zgarishini aniqlash bilan bog’liq. Zamonaviy jamiyatda
va jahonning yetakchi davlatlari - xalqaro tadqiqotlar yetakchilarining TIMSS qiyosiy tahlilini
xalqaro baholash tadqiqotining mohiyatini, ularning ta'limga qo'shgan hissasi, boshlang'ich sinf
o'quvchisi shaxsini har tomonlama rivojlantirishga va uning bilish qobiliyatiga alohida e'tibor
berilishiga va institutni qayta qurishdagi xizmatlarini ochib berishning mashhur masalasiga e'tibor
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