Май 2021 10-қисм Тошкент май 2021 йил. Тошкент: «Tadqiqot», 2021. 202 бBog'liq 10.Pedagogika yonalishi 1 qismМай 2021 10-қисм
Beknazarova Zebo Abdimannonovna
Shoymurodova Nafisa Muhiddinovna
Navoi region , Zarafshan
School N 12
Teachers of English language
The article gives a quick insight into Communicative language teaching which
has become quite popular recently and compares it with other approaches that were dominant
in ELT and emphasises the importance of meaningful communication and the need to authentic
contest .
Key words:
Communicative Language Teaching, communication, fluency, accuracy, present
Communicative Language Teaching developed in the late 60s and 70s, due in part to frustration
with existing teaching approaches, which some felt were too focused on the structures and rules of
language. They felt that language education should focus instead on the function of language (i.e.
communication). Many scholars across the U.K. and the U.S. started to study and propose new
methods for teaching “communicative competence;” one significant development was the Council
of Europe’s support of this new approach to language teaching. Today, different educators may view
or use CLT differently (largely because different educators define “communication” differently),
but in essence, CLT puts the highest priority on students’ ability to effectively communicate in the
target language. So, as with the substitute teacher above, the idea is to get students talking, sharing
ideas and engaging authentically with the target language, not just mastering grammar rules.
The major characteristics are:
• Meaning is primary; contextualization is basic
Communicative Language Teaching Today • Attempts to communicate in TL are encouraged in
the beginning of instruction.
• Material sequencing is determined by the content, meaning, and function.
• L1 is acceptable when feasible.
• Activities and strategies for learning are varied.
• Communicative competence is the goal of instruction.
Below, we will take a look at how CLT activities can be used in the classroom, and how they
are different from “accuracy” activities.
To see the difference between the two methods, we will look at a sample class from both
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