Oliy va o‘rta ta’lim tizimida pedagogik – psixologik muammolarning zamonaviy yechimlari
Международная научно-техническая конференция «Практическое применение технических и
цифровых технологий и их инновационных решений», ТАТУФФ, Фергана, 4 мая 2023 г.
any ability he or she is not able to demonstrate their ability which I stopped.
Thirdly, high concentration. Without any concentration any teacher or learner
never can focus on the learning material which is always required to teach or to
learn. As for me, they are those which are the essential ingredients for effective
teaching and learning.
To be concluded not only teaching but also learning must be conducted
identically. In addition to it, we cannot separate teaching from learning,
because each has to be leaded together and I think it gives many opportunities to
master any language and achieve the goal. In other words, without effectiveness
of any method, technology or item we cannot do anything with success and to
gain them by no skill and effort. Here, we always remember about further
effective teaching and learning.
In my mind, effective teaching and learning is very important and useful
ingredient for each teacher and learner and it helps them achieve their success.