• Key words. Education, learning, pedagogical innovation theory, learning technologies, technological approach in education, innovation educational technologies.
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    Asosiy oxirgi 17.05.2023 18.20

    Ключевые слова. 
    Образование, обучение, теория педагогических инноваций, 
    технологии обучения, технологический подход в образовании, инновационные 
    образовательные технологии. 
    In today's society, innovation technologies have spread to almost every field 
    of human activity, including education. This phenomenon gained special significance within 
    the improvement and modernization of the established educational system due to the 
    incorporation of innovation technologies into the educational process practice. Currently, 
    the issue of active integration and widespread application of innovative technologies in 
    education is critical. The current study investigates learning innovation technologies in 
    modern education. 
    Key words. 
    Education, learning, pedagogical innovation theory, learning technologies, 
    technological approach in education, innovation educational technologies.
    The theory of innovation in education is a new field of scientific 
    pedagogic knowledge; it is a paradigm of inseparable unity and interconnection of the 
    three main pedagogic processes in the field of education: the creation of novelties, their 
    mastery, and application. In other words, the study of the integration of development, 
    mastery, and integration of novelties is the subject of innovation theory. In education, 
    innovation theory refers to the innovative process in the educational system, as well as the 
    innovative activity, novelty, and innovative environment in which the innovative processes 
    take place. Innovative processes are examined from three perspectives: social-economic, 
    psychological, and organizational-regulatory. These factors define the overall climate and 
    conditions under which innovative processes occur and which either prevent or facilitate 
    the process. Furthermore, the innovative process is consciously regulated rather than 
    being spontaneous. Integrating novelties is a significant new management function. 
    Innovative technologies have transformed the way we teach and learn, particularly in 
    specialized subjects. With the advancements in technology, educators have been able to 
    incorporate new tools and techniques to make learning more accessible, engaging, and 
    effective. In this essay, we will explore some of the most innovative technologies used in 
    the teaching of specialized subjects. 
    One of the most significant ways in which technology has changed the teaching of 
    specialized subjects is through the use of online learning platforms. Online learning has 
    become increasingly popular in recent years, particularly in response to the COVID-19 
    pandemic. These platforms provide students with access to a wealth of resources, including 
    video lectures, digital textbooks, interactive quizzes, and virtual labs. Online learning has 
    made it possible for students to access educational materials from anywhere in the world, 
    at any time of day, and at their own pace. This level of flexibility has been particularly 
    beneficial for students who may have other commitments, such as work or family, that 
    would otherwise prevent them from pursuing higher education. 
    One of the advantages of online learning platforms is the ability to provide personalized 
    learning experiences for each student. For example, an online platform may use algorithms 
    to track a student's progress and tailor content to their learning style and level of 
    understanding. This type of personalized learning can be particularly effective in 
    specialized subjects, where students may require different levels of support and guidance 
    to succeed. Personalized learning can also help students stay engaged and motivated, as 
    they can work at their own pace and receive feedback in real-time. 

    Another way in which technology has impacted the teaching of specialized subjects is 
    through the use of gamification. Gamification refers to the integration of game-like 
    elements into the learning process. This technology has been particularly effective in 
    engaging students who may otherwise be disinterested in a particular subject. For example, 
    a gamified lesson on math could involve solving problems to advance to the next level, 
    earning rewards for correct answers, and competing against other students in a virtual 
    classroom. This type of interactive and immersive learning experience can be particularly 
    effective for younger students who are used to playing games on their phones and tablets. 
    Gamification has proven to be an effective tool in the teaching of specialized subjects 
    such as coding and computer science. In these subjects, students are required to learn 
    abstract concepts that can be difficult to understand. Gamification can help students 
    understand complex concepts by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable 
    tasks. By completing these tasks, students can see their progress and gain a sense of 
    accomplishment, which can help them stay motivated and engaged. 
    Another innovative technology that has had a significant impact on the teaching of 
    specialized subjects is virtual and augmented reality. Virtual and augmented reality refer to 
    computer-generated simulations that provide an immersive experience for the user. In 
    education, these technologies have been used to create virtual labs, simulations, and 
    interactive 3D models. For example, a student studying biology could use virtual reality to 
    explore the human body in 3D, while a student studying architecture could use augmented 
    reality to visualize building designs in real-world settings. This type of technology has 
    made it possible for students to experience concepts and ideas in a way that was previously 
    impossible, allowing for a deeper understanding of complex subjects. 
    Virtual and augmented reality has been particularly useful in the teaching of specialized 
    subjects that require hands-on experience, such as medicine, engineering, and architecture. 
    These technologies can provide students with a safe and controlled environment to 
    practice their skills and develop their understanding of complex concepts. By providing 
    students with a more realistic and engaging experience, virtual and augmented reality can 
    help students retain information and develop a deeper understanding of specialized 
    Innovative activity is nothing more than a set of steps taken to provide an innovative 
    process at a specific level of education. Novelties in education manifest as the creative 
    exploration of new ideas and principles, which, in some cases, leads to them becoming 
    typical projects containing the conditions for their adaptation and application. There are 
    pedagogical, supplying, and administrative novelties categorized by activity type. 
    Innovative phenomena are classified into two types: pedagogical innovation theory 
    (innovations in the educational system) and innovative learning. While pedagogical 
    innovation theory is concerned with restructuring and modifying, improving and changing 
    the educational system or its individual parts, characteristics, and aspects (creating new 
    legal acts, new structure, models, learning paradigms, forms of integration connections, 
    etc.), innovation learning is defined as a specific type of knowledge mastering and as a 
    product of conscious, goal-oriented, and scientifically-founded activity in the educational 
    process. Innovative learning is currently taking the place of supportive learning. It is 
    regarded as the educational system's reaction to the society's transition to a higher stage of 
    development and to the changed educational goals. Learning that stimulates innovative 
    changes in the existing culture and social environment is referred to as innovative learning. 
    It acts as an active reaction to the problem situations that confront each individual and 
    society as a whole. It is called to prepare not only a "learning person", but also a "acting 
    person". Furthermore, all supporting learning elements are present in the innovative 
    process; the only question is how to define the proportion of reproductive and productive, 
    active and creative components. 

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is another innovative technology that has changed the way 
    specialized subjects are taught. AI refers to the ability of machines to perform tasks that 
    would typically require human intelligence, such as natural language processing and 
    decision-making. In education, AI has been used to develop personalized learning 
    experiences for students. For example, an AI-powered chatbot could answer students' 
    questions and provide personalized feedback based on their learning styles and 
    performance. AI has also been used to automate grading and feedback, which saves 
    teachers time and provides students with immediate feedback on their work. 

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