• ELECTRONIC TEXTBOOK AS A BASIS FOR INNOVATIVE TEACHING Daminova Barno Esanovna, Associate professor of Karshi State University, Bozorova Irina Jumanazarovna
  • Qarshi davlat universiteti international scientific and practical conference on algorithms and current problems of programming

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    Фойдаланилган адабиётлар рўйхати 
    1. Левин Р., Дранг Д., Адельсон Б. иллюстрации на языке Basis. М.: Молия и 
    статистика, 1991. 
    2. Лауриер Ж.-Л. сунъи интеллектуальные системы. М.: "Мир", -1991, С. 568. 
    3. Алтай Ж., соомбс м. экспертные заключения: понятия и примеры. М.: Молия и 
    статистика, 1987. 
    4. Raximov N. et al. As a mechanism that achieves the goal of decision management 
    //2021 International Conference on Information Science and Communications 
    Technologies (ICISCT). – IEEE, 2021. – С. 1-4. 
    5. Raximov N., Primqulov O., Daminova B. Basic concepts and stages of research 
    development on artificial intelligence //2021 International Conference on Information 
    Science and Communications Technologies (ICISCT). – IEEE, 2021. – С. 1-4. 
    6. Esanovna D. B. UDK: 372.881 Criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the education 
    system //akhmedova mehrinigor bahodirovna///methodology and methods of 
    linguoma'naviyatshunoslic as a subject38 akhmadjonova baxora jarkinovna, nasreddinova 
    farzona shukhratovna///borrowings from english into russian and uzbek in the use of 
    medical terminology. – Т. 42. – С. 33. 

    Daminova B.E., Bozorova I.J., Nazarov A.N., Shoyimova M.Y., Kholyirov D.E. Electronic 
    textbook as a basis for innovative teaching 
    Daminova Barno Esanovna, 
    Associate professor of Karshi State University, 
    Bozorova Irina Jumanazarovna, 
    teacher of Karshi State University, 
    Nazarov Avaz Norovich, 
    director of Guzar industrial technical technical school, 
    Shoyimova Manzura Yuldoshevna, Kholyirov Dilshod Erkinovich,
    Mukhammadieva Maftuna
    are teachers of Guzar industrial technical technical school. 

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    Qarshi davlat universiteti international scientific and practical conference on algorithms and current problems of programming

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