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    Asosiy oxirgi 17.05.2023 18.20

    The article considers the main elements of the development of electronic 
    textbooks in various disciplines. The role and importance of teaching and testing e-
    educational resources in various disciplines of the educational process are considered. 
    Key words: 
    electronic educational resources, educational material, test, encyclopedia, 
    problem book, creative environment, author's environment, non-verbal environment. 
    В статье рассмотрены основные элементы разработки электронных 
    учебников по различным дисциплинам. Рассмотрены роль и значение обучающих и 
    тестирующих электронно- образовательных ресурсов по различным дисциплинам 
    образовательного процесса. 
    Ключевые слова:
    электронно- образовательные ресурсы, учебный материал, 
    тест, энциклопедия, задачник, креативная среда, авторская среда, невербальная 
    Ushbu maqolada turli fanlar bo‘yicha elektron darsliklarni ishlab 
    chiqishning asosiy elementlari ko‘rib chiqildi. O‘quv jarayonining turli fanlari bo‘yicha 
    elektron ta’lim resurslarini o‘qitish va sinovdan o‘tkazishning o‘rni va ahamiyati ko‘rib 
    Kalit so‘zlar:
    elektron ta'lim resurslari, o‘quv materiali, test, ensiklopediya, muammoli 
    kitob, ijodiy muhit, muallif muhiti, noverbal muhit. 
    Trends in the development of modern society are due to the global informatization of 
    various spheres of human activity and the widespread use of information and 
    communication technologies. The informatization process involves the implementation of 
    the possibilities of information technology, in order to improve the educational process. 
    As you know, the following definitions of an electronic textbook can be distinguished: 

    it is a collection of graphic, textual, digital, speech, music, video, photo and other 
    information, as well as printed documentation of the user. An electronic publication can be 
    executed on any electronic medium - magnetic (magnetic tape, magnetic disk, etc.), optical 
    (CD-ROM, DVD, CD-R, CD-1, CD+, etc.), as well as published in an electronic computer 

    must contain systematized material on the relevant scientific and practical field of 
    knowledge, provide creative and active mastery of knowledge, skills and abilities in this 
    area by students and students. The UEI should be distinguished by a high level of 
    performance and decoration, completeness of information, quality of methodological tools, 
    quality of technical performance, clarity, logic and consistency of presentation. 

    an educational publication containing a systematic presentation of an academic 
    discipline or its section, part, corresponding to the state standard and curriculum and 
    officially approved as this type of publication. 


    this is an electronic publication, partially or completely replacing or 
    supplementing the textbook and officially approved as this type of publication. 

    it is a text presented in electronic form and equipped with an extensive system of 
    links that allows you to instantly move from one of its fragments to another in accordance 
    with a certain hierarchy of fragments. 
    Electronic means of educational purposes, which include information on electronic and 
    magnetic media and software products, have a huge potential in improving the quality of 
    education and providing educational content. 
    The point of view is generally recognized, according to which “the use of electronic 
    means of educational purposes in the learning process leads, first of all, to a change in the 
    educational process: the rapid growth in the availability of information and information 
    tools; reducing the relationship between the growth of learning opportunities and its 
    The main requirements for electronic means of educational purposes, which are defined 

    the adequacy of the content, the completeness of the presentation of educational 
    material, sufficient for mastering the discipline (section of the discipline); support for 
    various forms of education (correspondence and full-time, individual and collective); 
    support for various types of classes (the study of theoretical material, practical and 
    laboratory work), support for various forms of knowledge control (frontier, final, self-
    control); taking into account the latest trends in science and technology; 

    the effectiveness of information presentation forms: simplicity and ease of use, 
    ergonomics, student activity support, communication with the teacher and fellow students, 
    protection against destruction, the possibility of recovering lost information; 

    economic efficiency of the training system: long service life, possibility of 
    modernization during operation, low cost and price, reasonable configuration of the 
    necessary technical and system-wide means. 
    There are the following forms of electronic textbooks from which a textbook can be 
    Test. Externally, this is the simplest form of an electronic textbook. The main difficulty is 
    the selection and formulation of questions, as well as the interpretation of answers to 
    Encyclopedia. This is the basic form of an electronic textbook. At the content level, the 
    term encyclopedia means that the information contained in an electronic textbook must be 
    complete and even redundant in relation to educational standards. 
    Task book. The task book in the electronic textbook most naturally performs the 
    function of learning. The student receives educational information that is necessary to 
    solve a specific problem. 
    Creative environment. Modern electronic textbooks should ensure the student's creative 
    work with the objects of study and with models of systems of interacting objects. The 
    creative environment allows students to work collectively on a project. 
    Author's environment. An electronic textbook should be adaptable to the educational 
    process. That is, allow to take into account the features of a particular educational 
    institution, a particular specialty, a particular student. This requires an appropriate 
    authoring environment. 
    non-verbal environment. Traditionally, e-textbooks are verbal in nature. They present 
    the theory in textual or graphical form. This is the legacy of printing publications. But in the 
    electronic textbook it is possible to implement the methodical method "do as I do". Such an 
    environment endows the electronic textbook with the features of a living teacher. 
    The listed forms of an electronic textbook can be implemented as separate electronic 
    textbooks or grouped within a single ensemble. 


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