Analysis and Findings
thought about this by combining his ideas in his fields, that is, connecting internal
management to the system. In addition, it was determined that in order to regulate
the internal management, the movement of goods and the work must first be started
with a plan, and of course, the structure of this internal management is connected
to the work process, which is the Planning and Allocation department. All the
findings in internal management and the opinion of the respondents were that
internal management is not only about management but also about its effective
scheme and it works in different ways for all employees, for example matching all
management to their department and like Sardorbek Pulatjonov.
From the words of respondent Sardora Toshtemirava, it was found that corruption
is one of the obstacles to the formation of internal management and development in
general. An example of this was mainly involving close acquaintances. In addition,
inexperienced employees are employed and accepted to higher positions, that is, to
higher positions. It was noted that this process is normal for the young generation
to be hired without experience and to gradually increase their knowledge and
experience in a low position, but it is very wrong to hire an employee with no
knowledge and skills to a high position. It was explained by the respondent that most
of the employees hired through the above mentioned corruption were occupied by
such inexperienced employees. But another important aspect is that in order to
prevent the above situation, experienced employees should be involved in the work,
but it was found that there are few such employees in Uzbekistan in this field. For
this reason, according to the opinion of the respondent Sardora Toshtemirova, it
was determined that it is possible to attract foreign expat employees to work and to
develop internal management and other aspects as a mentor to other employees,
and with the help of a qualified expat employee, it is possible to increase the
knowledge and experience of other employees in the campaign.