• Intellektual material Intelligence material
  • Intellektual datchik Intelligence sensor
  • Intellektual mashina Intelligence

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    X. N. Nazarov robotlar va robototexnik tizimlar

    Intellektual mashina Intelligence

    sun’iy intellektga ega mashina

    machine with artificial intelligence

    Intellektual material Intelligence material

    sodda intellektga mos xossalarga ega bo‘lgan
    kompozitsion material (tuzilma)

    composite material (structure), which has
    properties that correspond to primitive intelligence

    Intellektual datchik Intelligence sensor

    o‘zida sezish, xis qilish, analog va raqamli signalni qayta ishlash, avtomatik, o‘zi- o‘zini kalibrovka qilish, kompensatsiyalash funksilarnii jam qilgan avtonom birlik

    self-contained unit that integrates the functions of sensation, perception, processing of analog and discrete signals, automatic and self calibration and

    Ijro mexanizmi Executive

    mexatron tizimining bir qismi bo‘lib, mashina ishini hal qiluvchi tizimidan yoki bevosita xis qilish tizimidan (datchiklardan) olingan ma’lumotlar asosida

    part of the mehatrons system, which cars on the basis of data obtained fromcritical system or directly otsistemy perception (obtained)

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