• “Yashil iqtisodiyot sari: nazariy va amaliy yondashuvlar tahlili” mavzusidagi xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy anjuman 437

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    03 04 2024 Yashil iqtisodiyot sari anjuman materiallari to\'plami

    D.Mamadiyorova, Master student of Tashkent state university of economics 
    Today, the role and importance of investments on a global scale is 
    incomparable. The level of development and economic growth of each country 
    largely depends on investment processes. In the current era of globalization, the 
    sustainable economic development of any society cannot be imagined without 
    investments. Investments affect the rate and volume of reproduction in the economy, 
    ensure scientific and technical development and employment of the population. In 
    order to achieve sustainable growth of the economy, renewal of the main capital and 
    structural changes in the financial sector, it is necessary to properly implement 
    investment activities in economic sectors, attract local and foreign investments, and 
    carry out rational development works. 
    After the independence of our country, the main attention was paid to the 
    improvement of investment activities together with other sectors. In order to 
    effectively start investment activities, it is appropriate to study the experiences of 

    “Yashil iqtisodiyot sari: nazariy va amaliy yondashuvlar tahlili” 
    mavzusidagi xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy anjuman
    many foreign countries in conducting investment policy. 
    If we study the investment policy of the United States of America, one of the 
    leading countries of the world, investment attraction and management, regulation 
    issues, we can see that the investment climate in the USA is bright and attractive. 
    The USA is a country with a developed economy and a well-established legal 
    system. Currently, this country ranks among the leaders in the world in attracting 
    foreign investments. Achieving such a result is greatly contributed by the fact that 
    individual states of the country are empowered to attract investments.
    The introduction of foreign capital into the economy has an impact not only on 
    industrial, trade, scientific and technical and inflationary processes, but also on the 
    national security of the country. Due to this, the following priority tasks for attracting 
    investments in the USA have been defined: 
    - states and local government bodies are given independence for the economic 
    development of their territory, private business and export of services and goods 
    should be supported; 
    - attraction of foreign business capital and control of foreign investors; 
    - stimulating the growth of private business; 
    - use of incentive methods in fiscal policy. 
    During the fulfillment of these tasks, mutual competition between the states of 
    the country in terms of attracting investments arose and served as a unique impulse 
    for the development of investment policy. Due to this, it is possible to distinguish 
    specific features in attracting and managing investments in the US economy: 
    - as a result of the policies carried out by individual states and the country, the 
    active attraction of investments to the economy is ensured; 
    - promotion of capital export and import is carried out at the same level; 
    - abuse of the use of foreign investments, i.e. cases of corruption, violation of 
    legal norms and financial and credit agreements should not be allowed; 
    - openness of the market for other participants; 
    - development of investment policy and tax system; 
    - the existence of a two-level system of investment activity regulation. 
    The US Office of Investment Affairs (OIA) implements sound investment 
    policies to support jobs, economic growth, and prosperity. The main purpose of this 
    office is to support the open investment policy of the United States, as well as to 
    ensure the national security of the United States. The Office's investment climate 
    reports provide country and economy-specific information on investment laws, 
    investment measures, and other factors important to business decision making. In 
    addition, the office conducts negotiations on bilateral investment agreements 
    together with the US trade representative in order to facilitate investment 
    opportunities around the world. The USA is a country with a developed economy 
    and a well-established legal system. It also provides guidance and assistance to US 
    companies involved in investment disputes with foreign governments
    . It should 
    be noted that the principles of economic freedom are followed in attracting and 
    managing investments in the USA, and the government does not directly interfere in 
    Information from the website 

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