• There are several pros and cons to using technology
  • «Zamonaviy dunyoda pedagogika va psixologiya» nomli 10-son ilmiy, masofaviy, onlayn konferensiya «innovative academy» ilmiy tadqiqotlarni qo’llab-quvvatlash markazi

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    «innovative academy» ilmiy tadqiqotlarni-fayllar.org

    It is clear from its name that in the process of listening and understanding, of course, we use CD
    players, computers, TVs and similar technologies. we need to pay attention to how well the
    tuner’s vocabulary pronounces words and adheres to their grammatical structure in the listening
    process, and how we can be like real native speakers when we speak. In order to achieve high
    results in this round, first of all, of course, we will use the Internet to search for the information and
    databases we need, and we will receive online master classes in this language from the original
    experts. it will not fail to show its effect. telephones and headphones help us when we are busy
    with any work on the street. we listen to different podcasts. or if we take the lesson process as an

    «Zamonaviy dunyoda pedagogika va psixologiya»

    nomli 10-son ilmiy, masofaviy, onlayn konferensiya
    example, the number of students at this stage will be large and we will of course use speakers and
    similar technology tools to make it sound better. or live communication with foreign native
    speakers using the Internet, as well as various correspondence with them, also help to express
    ourselves in this skill.
    There are several pros and cons to using technology 
    1-At the same time, we can create opportunities for students with visual impairments to use
    technology, and we can bring them closer to the lectures.
    2) Nowadays, the world is becoming more modern, and so is the younger generation. so we also
    need to take the lesson close to the worldview of the modern child because for them traditional
    lessons can be somewhat boring.
    3) save time.
    4) Enhancing the learning process using types of lessons such as power point, word, adding
    different elements will save time as mentioned above.
    5) Download the topics and lectures explained on the board during the lesson on the computer.
    6) We cannot imagine the launch of an online education system without ICT tools. because in this
    education system all lessons are conducted using ICT tools.
    7) Recent research shows that people absorb 20% of what they hear, 30% of what they see and
    more than 50% of what they hear.

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    «Zamonaviy dunyoda pedagogika va psixologiya» nomli 10-son ilmiy, masofaviy, onlayn konferensiya «innovative academy» ilmiy tadqiqotlarni qo’llab-quvvatlash markazi

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