• IMPORTANCE OF LESSON PLANS IN TEACHING PROCESS. Xaydarova Nigina Ganiyevna Bukhara State University https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6320865
  • The Lesson Planning Process Before the actual delivery of a lesson, instructors engage in a planning process. During this process, they determine the lesson topic
  • «Zamonaviy dunyoda pedagogika va psixologiya» nomli 10-son ilmiy, masofaviy, onlayn konferensiya «innovative academy» ilmiy tadqiqotlarni qo’llab-quvvatlash markazi

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    1. Celce-Murcia. M. (2001). Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language 2. Long M.H &
    Richards, J.C. (1987). Methodology in TESOL. USA: Heinle&Heinle. 3. Nunan. D. (1991)
    Language Teaching Methodology. UK: Prentice Hall International

    «Zamonaviy dunyoda pedagogika va psixologiya»

    nomli 10-son ilmiy, masofaviy, onlayn konferensiya
    Xaydarova Nigina Ganiyevna
    Bukhara State University 

    Planning ahead to identify a course of action that can effectively reach goals and

    objectives is an important first step in any process, and education is no exception. In
    education, the planning tool is the lesson plan, which is a detailed description of an
    instructor‟s course of instruction for an individual lesson intended to help learners achieve a
    particular learning objective. Lesson plans communicate to learners what they will learn and
    how they will be assessed, and they help instructors organize content, materials, time,
    instructional strategies, and assistance in the class-room. Lesson planning helps English as a
    second language (ESL), adult basic education (ABE), adult secondary education (ASE), and
    other instructors create a smooth instructional flow and scaffold instruction for learners.
    The Lesson Planning Process 
    Before the actual delivery of a lesson, instructors engage in a planning process. During this
    process, they determine the lesson topic (if states have implemented content standards, the
    topic should derive from them). From the topic derive the lesson objective or desired 
    results–the concepts and ideas that learners are expected to develop and the specific
    knowledge and skills that learners are expected to acquire and use at the end of the lesson.
    Objectives are critical to effective instruction, because they help instructors plan the
    instructional strategies and activities they will use, including the materials and resources to
    support learning. It is essential that the objective be clear and describe the intended learning
    outcome. Objectives can communicate to learners what is expected of them–but only if they
    are shared with learners in an accessible manner. Instructional objectives must be specific,
    outcome-based, and measurable, and they must describe learner behavior. Heinich et al.
    (2001) refer to the ABCD‟s of writing objectives:
    • Audience – learners for whom the objective is written (e.g., ESL, ABE, GED);
    Behavior – the verb that describes what the audience will be able to do (e.g., describe,
    explain, locate, synthesize, argue, communicate);
    Condition – the circumstances under which the audience will perform the behavior (e.g.,
    when a learner obtains medicine from the pharmacy he or she will be able to read the
    dosage); and
    Degree – acceptable performance of the behavior (i.e., how well the learner performs the

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    «Zamonaviy dunyoda pedagogika va psixologiya» nomli 10-son ilmiy, masofaviy, onlayn konferensiya «innovative academy» ilmiy tadqiqotlarni qo’llab-quvvatlash markazi

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