3 (79) 2021 pedagogik mahorat Pdf ko'rish
bet | 107/344 | Sana | 07.12.2023 | Hajmi | 3,37 Mb. | | #113345 |
Bog'liq Pedagogik mahorat 3-son 2021 yilКлючевые
образовательная среда, одарённые студнты, социально-педагогические технологии, наука,
интеллектуально развитое поколение.
Identification of talented students in our republic and development of social and pedagogical
technologies of their trainings. The regulatory framework for ensuring State and non-state cooperation in
the field of education and the development of talented students has been created. The Presidential schools
were created with the aim of deepening the disciplines, improving the effectiveness of teaching and
developing high school students. Their material and technical base was provided. In the strategy of further
development of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the priority task was defined as "to raise a generation of highly
educated and intellectually developed people, to create a reserve of scientific and pedagogical personnel
with competencies in higher educational institutions". As a result, the identification of talented students will
allow them to enter the world of science, using a wide range of technologies to improve the competence of
researchers based on innovative approaches.
Key words: innovative approach, research competence, educational environment, talented students,
social and pedagogical technologies, science, intellectually developed generation.
Kirish. Barcha darajadagi zamonaviy ta’lim amalda bitta asosiy maqsadga ega: insonga oʻzlari va
atroflaridagi dunyo haqida bilim berish, bu bilimlardan oʻzlari va jamiyat manfaati uchun foydalanib
yashashga oʻrgatish, tanlagan kasblarida shaxsiy imkoniyatlarni roʻyobga chiqarishga hissa qoʻshish. Shunga
asoslanib, ta’lim olish maqsad emas, balki hayotda muhimroq, strategik maqsadlarga erishish uchun zarur
boʻlgan vositadir.
Oliy ta’lim zamonaviy jamiyatda muhim rol oʻynaydi. Har qanday davlatning intellektual salohiyati
uning ta’lim tizimi tomonidan yaratilgan boʻlib, u davlatning barqaror va progressiv rivojlanishining asosiy
va ajralmas omili hisoblanadi. Fuqarolarning ta’lim sifati iqtisodiy rivojlanish imkoniyati va jamiyat turmush
darajasini belgilaydi, texnologiyalar va zamonaviy bozor esa oliy ta’limni taqozo etadi.
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