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Pedagogik mahorat 3-son 2021 yil

history of individuals and their views, who made a huge contribution to the development of the Islamic 
religion; the third group of scientists J. Adame, J. Adamson, K. Brockelmann, I. Goldzier, R. Rusk, J.P. 
Sartre, M. Francius, whose works highlight the analysis, comments on sources devoted to Islam. 
The study of Islamic religion and culture, the science of hadiths, the analysis of scientific works by 
scientists of the CIS countries made it possible to identify the sequence of classification features: the first 
group consists of the scientific works of V.V. Bartold, V. Belyaeva, E.E. Bertels, D.N. Boguslavsky, P. 
Gryaznovich, Yu.F. Krachkovsky, I. Yu. Rachkovsky, A. Masse, G.S. Sablukova, A. Yu. Yakubovsky, 
whose works are devoted to scientific research aimed at studying the history, culture of the Islamic religion, 
theoretical foundations, as well as historical manuscripts. The second group includes N.V. Bordovskaya, 
G.N. Volkov, A.A. Dzhurinsky, A. Dolina, A. Nevolnik, A.A. Reanne, scholars researching the rich Islamic 
religion. Research and monographs by Yu.B. Vakhtin, L.I. Klimovich, D.A. Knysha, A.A. Kononova, V.F. 
Panova, E.A. Rezvan devoted to the life and work of scholars of the Islamic world belong to the third group. 
It was in the countries of Asia, starting from the 9th century, that the translations of the works of Imam 
al-Bukhariy, Imam at-Termezi and al-Hakim at-Termezi began, comments were written on the works, 
valuable historical information about the life and work of scientists was highlighted, as well as early views 
about the scientist Imam at-Termezi are reflected in the works of Imam Bukhari, ibn Khojar al-Askolani 
“Takhziyb at-takhziyb”, in the work of the scholar-historian of Central Asia Abu Saad Abdulkarim As-
Samoniy (XII century), the Arab historian Shamsiddin al-Zakhabiyya ulu Huffozkirat (XIII century), in the 
work of the founder of Uzbek poetry Alisher Navoi “Nasoyim ul muhabbat min shamoyim ul futuvvat”, in 
the work of Abdurahman Jami “Nafakhot ul uns min khazarot il quds”, Farididdin Attor “Tazkirat ul-avliye”. 
Subsequent information was reflected in the works of Hofiz Umar ibn Alak, Ibn ul-Athir, Az-Zakhabiy, Ibn 
Kasir, Nuriddin Atar. 
The issues of studying the life and work of prominent scientists, Islamic culture, history, the 
introduction of their works in our republic and their wide coverage began after gaining independence. 
In Islamic teaching, the formation of a person from the point of view of spirituality, the study of the 
socio-philosophical views of encyclopedic scholars and other methods contributed to clarification of 
scientific and pedagogical problems. The research work of the scientist-educator N. Ortikov highlights the 
use of Islamic religious values in the educational process. 
In the study of the foundations of the theory of teaching and education of Islamic culture and the 
teaching of hadith in Uzbekistan, as well as their implementation in life, the works of our compatriots Kh. 
Karomatov, M. Kenzhabek, N. Komilov, Sheikh A. Mansur, Sheikh M.S. Muhammad Yusuf, S. Sayfullokh, 
Z. Khusniddinova; in the study of legal issues of Islamic culture, works - H. Boboeva, A.Sh. Zhuzzhoniy, A. 
Saidova, A. Khasanova; in the study of the life and work of hadith scholars and their introduction - A. 
Abdullah, Sh. Babakhonov, S. Mamadaliev, O. Musurmonova; The works of S. Arifkhanova, Z. Islomov, 
Kh. Obidov, U. Uvatov, S. Tursunov, M. Khairullaev were highly noted in the direction of the history of 
scholars of the Islamic religion, source study, and ethnography. 
The relevance and value of this study consists of the recognition of the representatives of their nation 
who created a thousand years ago, the unexamined aspects of the work of the ancestors of our people, 
consistently observing the historical stages of educational issues. And also on this basis to create and form 
the recommendations necessary for the modern educational process. 
Despite the fact that special attention is paid to the research works of the above scholars such as Imam 
Ismail al-Bukhari, Imam Abu Iso at-Termezi, as well as in the analysis of the works of other Hadith scholars, 
much attention is paid to pedagogical problems, its roots, that is, spiritually -moral, educational views have 
not been sufficiently studied as separate pedagogical problems, or it can be seen that they have not been 
studied as a special object of research. 
In addition, the useful aspects of hadiths in the upbringing of youth are revealed, the forms and 
methods of their use in the educational process are insufficiently covered and are considered one of the 
topical issues that await their authors. 

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