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    Pedagogik mahorat 3-son 2021 yil


    3 (79) 2021 
    Makhfuza RAKHMONOVA 
    Candidate of pedagogical sciences, 
    senior lecturer 
    Karshi state university 
    This article is based on the development of proposals and recommendations related to the formation 
    of spiritual and moral education of students by means of the scientific heritage of Hadith-scholars. The 
    useful aspects of hadiths in the upbringing of youth in the classes of “Tarbiya” of grades 5-7 are also 
    Key words: scientific heritage, scholars-hadithsaveda, spiritual and moral education, historical roots, 
    historical and theoretical. 
    Данная статья основана на разработке предложений и рекомендаций, связанных с 
    формированием духовно-нравственного воспитания учащихся средствами научного наследия 
    хадисоведов. Выявлены полезные аспекты хадисов в воспитании юношества “Тарбия”в 5-7 классов. 
    Ключевые слова: научное наследие, ученые-хадисаведы, духовно-нравственное образование, 
    исторические корни, историко-теоретические. 
    Ushbu maqolada hadisshunoslarning ilmiy merosi orqali talabalarning ma’naviy-axloqiy tarbiyasini 
    shakllantirish bilan bog’liq taklif va tavsiyalar ishlab chiqish xususida fikr bayon etilgan. 5-7-sinflarning 
    “Tarbiya” sinflarida yoshlarni tarbiyalashda hadislarning foydali tomonlari ham ochib berilgan. 
    Kalit soʻzlar: ilmiy meros, hadis-ulamolar, ma’naviy-axloqiy tarbiya, tarixiy ildizlar, tarixiy va 
    Relevance and relevance of the research topic. In the field of teaching and educational education all 
    over the world, scientific research is carried out aimed at educating young people who have formed a 
    devotion to universal values, possessing high personal and professional qualities, spiritual and moral 
    abilities, mental maturity and spiritual and moral outlook. From this point of view, the definition of strategic 
    and tactical goals for the development of the spiritual and moral worldview of the younger generation, the 
    implementation of systematic work on the scientific solution of the processes of their achievement is of great 
    scientific and practical importance. 
    According to the world's best teaching experience and opinion, the strategic goal of education 
    development is to solve the problem of the ability to organize student-centered learning. The study of a 
    person teaching according to this model, his cognitive activity is always in the center of the teacher's 
    attention. In the same way, the compiled system of education, in its essence, is the basis for the formation of 
    a spiritual, moral and humane personality-student. Uzbekistan is undergoing radical reforms in the field of 
    For the development and prosperity of the Republic of Uzbekistan, one of the topical issues is the 
    upbringing of a selfless, intellectually developed generation. During the years of independence, the society 
    has undergone socio-economic, political and spiritual transformations, followed the path of renewal. The 
    results of the reforms carried out in all spheres of society are inextricably linked with the revival of rich 
    spirituality, a wide study of our national historical heritage, the preservation of our traditions, with the 
    development of culture, art, science and education. 
    The degree of knowledge of the problem. On the study and development of the educational process, 
    the activities of scholars of hadithsaveda, in particular, the historical basis of the Islamic religion, the 
    spiritual heritage of great scholars, who studied their theoretical foundations, many scholars carried out 
    research work. The merit of scientists from Europe, America, Russia in the study of the holy book of the 
    Koran, the foundations of the Islamic religion, history and samples of hadith is great. For example, the 
    translation of the Quran into Latin by the European orientalist Maracchi in 1698 radically changed the 
    attitude of the peoples of Europe towards Islamic religion and culture. 
    The historical roots of the Islamic religion, scientific research carried out on the study of the Koran 
    and the science of hadith, as well as the analysis of works, scientific works of foreign scholars can be divided 
    into three groups: the first group includes I. Barth, G. Bergstresser, H. Vambery, A. Lammens , A. Müller, T. 
    Neldecke, H.C. Hurgron, whose scientific works are devoted to theoretical problems of the development of 
    the history and culture of the Islamic religion; the second group includes scientists A.Zh. Arberry, M. Buber, 
    W. Dilthey, T. Litt, L. Massignon, P. Natorp, B. Radtke, A.N. Whitehead, J. Welton, A. Fouye, A.E. 
    Schmidt, E. Spryanger, K. Jaspers, whose scientific works are devoted to the problems of studying the 

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