Aslonov Daler Azamat og‘li
The student of PIBSU, Foreign languages faculty
Pulatova Mohichehra Temirovna
Teacher of Pedagogical Institute of Bukhara State University
Anotation. To inculcate national and universal values, love for the
Motherland, family and environment in the education of young people on the basis
of the idea of national independence in order to ensure the humanity of higher
Keywords: education , On the National Training Program, Tashkent State
Law University The education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan is
unique and integrated. Education in the Republic of Uzbekistan is carried out in the
following forms:
preschool education;
general secondary education;
secondary special vocational education;
higher education;
postgraduate education;
advanced training and retraining;
extracurricular education.
The general management of the education system is carried out by the
Cabinet of Ministers. The Cabinet of Ministers also directly manages a separate
higher education institution, Tashkent Islamic University, as well as branches of
internationally renowned foreign universities (MSU, Westminster University, etc.)
The direct management of the education system in Uzbekistan is carried out by two
ministries - the Ministry of Public Education (HTV) and the Ministry of Higher
and Secondary Special Education (HSEE).
HTV is responsible for the activities of preschool, out-of-school institutions
and general education schools. HTV has 5 universities and 16 institutes for teacher
training. The Ministry has regional, district and city departments of public
education, which methodologically manage the activities of relevant educational
institutions on the ground. Training of highly qualified specialists working in the
field of economics, science, technology and culture on the basis of the term "higher
education", applying theoretical and practical innovations in science, culture and
technology during the work understood.
The main goal of higher education is the development of science, culture,
economy, social spheres of the republic, which can meet the requirements of the
times, qualified, competitive, highly educated, able to meet the requirements of the
higher education specialist in his chosen field. z is the training of high-potential
professionals who contribute, think independently, and have a high level of
spirituality. Higher education usually begins at the age of 18-19 and lasts at least 4
years. They are divided into two stages. They are to strengthen the independence of
higher education institutions, the introduction of public administration.
Individualization of independent learning in education and the development and
mastering of technologies and tools of distance education, ensuring the humanities
of education
Bachelor's degree
In accordance with the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education" and
"On the National Training Program", the procedure for admission of students to the
bachelor's degree in higher education institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Regulations on the procedure for admission of students to the bachelor's degree,
the order of transfer, reinstatement and expulsion of students from higher
education institutions Regulations on the procedure for reinstatement and
expulsion from study.
A bachelor's degree is a basic higher education that provides basic
knowledge and is one of the areas of higher education that lasts four years.
According to the results of state certification, graduates are awarded the academic
title of "bachelor" at the end of the bachelor's degree program, a worthy badge and
a diploma of the state sample and its application. General requirements for the
components of the educational program, the required level of bachelor's degree, the
maximum amount of educational tasks, procedures and mechanisms for quality
control of training, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of
Uzbekistan on August 16, 2001 educational standards. Basic regulations ”. (№ 15-
16, Collection of Laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, p. 104).
Characteristics of the field and type of professional activity of the bachelor,
qualification requirements and academic discipline To this day, many young
people do not dream of teaching, considering teaching to be one of the most
prestigious professions, and would rather work for a private company or work
abroad to earn more money. Very few young teachers who started their careers in
higher education aspired to become doctors of sciences and professors. Because
the difference between academic degrees and degrees and their salaries was small.
As a result, some teachers of higher education institutions have gone to the market,
collecting scientific and pedagogical activities. From 2018, the situation has
changed for the better. In accordance with the Decree of the President of the
Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 5, 2018 "On measures to improve the system
of remuneration of employees of higher education and research institutions of the
Republic", from September 1, 2018 The basic salaries of professors and employees
of research institutions have been significantly increased.
The amount of salary for a stratified basic position is determined by the
position, academic title or degree of the teacher. The difference between the
intern's and the professor's salary was significant. Such attention and
encouragement helps professors and researchers of higher education institutions to
constantly improve their knowledge and professional skills, to engage in science.
It is noteworthy that the monthly salary is gradually increasing. The salaries of the
teaching staff will be increased by 20% from January 1, 2019 and by 25% from
July 1, 2019. Professors are paid 100% at Tashkent State Law University and up to
350% at Tashkent University of Information Technologies.
The number of universities has approached one hundred Two years ago, the
number of higher education institutions in the country was 77, but today it has
reached 95. In 2018 alone, many joint programs were launched at a number of
institutes and universities. In collaboration with prestigious higher education
institutions such as Webster University in the United States and the University of
Turin in Italy, the two degree programs provide world-class education for aspiring
young men and women, internships abroad, and diplomas recognized and valid
abroad. has been created. The provision of tax benefits for foreign universities in
Uzbekistan until 2023 expands the opportunities for our youth to receive higher
education. In the current academic year, 51 higher education institutions have
introduced distance learning, 22 have introduced part-time education, and 9 have
introduced evening education. As a result, the number of students reached 344,790.
They are currently taught by 26,297 professors. In 2019, it is planned to open joint
faculties and branches in cooperation with medical institutes of Russia, South
Korea, Germany and Italy. Particular attention will be paid to enhancing the
prestige of higher education institutions, increasing the number of non-
governmental higher education institutions, and increasing competition in the field.