• FOUR Tactics, Action and Control
  • Strategy Definition Technique: Strategic digital marketing initiatives priority matrix

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    Strategy Definition Technique: Strategic digital marketing initiatives priority matrix

    Purpose: The main strategic initiatives are then reviewed by placing in this matrix to give approximate priorities:

    Instructions: Take the strategic initiatives from the TOWS or objectives-strategies-KPIs grid and discuss with colleagues where they lie on this matrix.
    The most important priorities (e.g. P1 or P2) with the lowest capabilities (e.g. C3 or C2) should be acted on first.



    Very Important






    Lower importance

    C3=Below Average capability

    C2=Average capability

    C1=Leading capability

    An alternative method of scoring strategic initiatives in a structured way is given at the end of this blog article.

    CORE Strategy Implementation Technique: Strategic initiative roadmap

    Purpose: The roadmap is a long-term plan of initiatives since it usually won’t be practical to implement everything within a six month period. The roadmap shows the long-term commitment and investment needed for digital marketing.

    Instructions: Take the strategic initiatives from the previous Prioritisation matrix.

    You can break it down in quarters, half years or years. Merging the Act and Convert steps can simplify here.

    Strategic initiative

    H1 20XX

    H2 20XX







    Customer Insight and targeting

    Brand enhancements

    Governance and resources

    FOUR Tactics, Action and Control

    Tactics and Actions

    Tactics are where the rubber hits the road to get results, so you need to define how you will implement your strategy in the real world - when you’ll do it, with what, your goals for each tactic aligned to the main objectives and how that will that be measured.
    Each of strategy sections A to J will need implementation details which you can get specialists in your team or agencies to develop. Remember that with digital, “the devil is in the detail”. The best digital strategies can fail if the execution is poor - search, email marketing and creating a persuasive web design are classic examples of this we see daily.
    If there’s only you, create a plan and Just Do It! You have the benefit that you can be more nimble, so can test and learn
    How are you going to divide the year up - thinking about campaigns versus seasonal or business focusses, this helps to get the plan actionable. Consider quarterly (90 day) blocks to focus on and ensure objectives, strategies and tactics are focussed on that – see examples in our 90 day action planning template.
    Keep this section light and fact based and avoid too much description repeated in the strategy section. Hang your tactics under the strategic hangers, for example traffic acquisition, so that it’s easy for others follow.

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    Strategy Definition Technique: Strategic digital marketing initiatives priority matrix

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