optimal capacity in the long term. Obviously, nuclear power is not renewable. However, for example,
in China, nuclear power is classified as renewable. This is due to the fact that the NPP has no carbon
footprint and the prospects for the development of technologies for its application - reactors III +, IV
and higher generations can provide themselves with fuel - reprocessed uranium.
In 2020, nuclear power provided about 11% of the world's electricity generation. As of
01.01.2021, 453 nuclear reactors with a total capacity of more than 397 GW were operating in 30
countries (after the restoration of shutdown reactors). Of these, most of the installed reactors are
located in developed countries of Europe, Asia and North America, with the United States and France
having capacities of about 100 GW and 63 GW, respectively.
Over the past 40 years, the share of reactors with high installed capacity utilization factors
(ICUF) has significantly increased. For example, currently 64% of reactors have achieved an ICUF
above 80% compared to 24% in 1976, while only 8% of reactors had an ICUF below 50% in 2016
compared to 22% in 1976. In fig. 4 shows the forecast of the installed total capacity of nuclear power
plants in the world and China.