Mas’ul muharrirlar: Olimjon Tojiyev

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nalishlar: muammo va yechimlar
gap - murakkab gap - murakablashgan gap, teng bog‘langan qo‘shma gap - ergash 
gapli qo‘shma gap, /Abdurakhmonov, 1960/, “ergashgan qo‘shma gap” /Askarova, 
1963/, “kirish ergash gapli qo‘shma gap” /Barkhudarov, Shteling, Khaimovich, 
Rogovskaya/, “kirish gapli qo‘shma gap” /Hoshimov 2006:93/, bosh gap - ergash 
gap, “undalmali qo‘shma gap” /Bozorov 2013: 106/, etc. in Uzbek linguistics; 
Composite Sentence, Compound Sentence, Composite Sentence, Complex 
Sentence, principal clause - subordinate clause, Satzgefuge - Satzreiche, Satzgefuge 
-Zusammengesetzte Satz, Hauptsatz - Nebensatz - in German studies, etc.
Thirdly, the definition of composite sentence itself needs to be clarified and 
concretized, which still remains private language based and, therefore, ununified, not 
entirely satisfying theoretical and applied purposes.
Fourth, the need for a scrupulous study of the composite sentence itself and its 
types and subtypes in terms of taxis relations, taking into account the changes and 
shifts characteristic of a later stage in the development of the grammatical structure 
of specific languages and directly related new types of syntactic units that are 
endowed with specific quantitative and qualitative features, which would make it 
possible to clearly establish the status of the composite sentence itself and its 
varieties in the system - the paradigm of other types of related and contiguous 
syntactic units.
Fifth, it dictates the need to raise the question of the sign approach to the 
composite sentence, which is of fundamental theoretical importance for the 
disclosure of its multifaceted nature, which implies the study of the composite 
sentence as a whole large linguistic sign, like, for example, a whole word. This kind 
of formulation of the question, we hope, will contribute to the determination of the 
status of the composite sentence itself as a sign of a bilateral nature, i. e. having both 
form and meaning, as well as the status of its constituent components - simple 
sentences that often undergo transformational changes in order to serve them as 
immediate constituents 
This formulation of the question, we hope, will contribute to the determination 
of the status of the joint venture itself as a sign of a bilateral nature, i. e. possessing 
both form and meaning, as well as the status of its constituent components - simple 
sentences that often undergo transformational changes in order to serve them as 
immediate constituents - building materials for the construction of larger types of 
syntactic constructions - units /Gadzhieva, 1986: 218/ 
Sixth, the empirical material of various languages shows that the traditional 
dichotomous division of the SP into a compound /paratactic unit /and a complex 
sentence /hypotactic unit /does not accurately reflect the more complicated types of 
composite sentences existing in languages, characterized by specific types of 
syntactic connections and relations and, therefore differing from the former. This 

Tilshunoslikdagi zamonaviy yo

nalishlar: muammo va yechimlar
kind of formulation of the question presupposes the solution of the following specific 
ways and mechanisms of the structural and semantic organization of 
composite sentence in general; 
possible types of syntactic connections between the components of 
composite sentence; 
possible ways of actualization of the syntactic connection between the 
components of the composite sentence; 
possible types of linking means by which syntactic communication is 
carried out; 
possible types and subtypes of the composite sentence due to the 
combinatorial abilities of the simple sentences included in it and the taxis relations 
between the latter.
Seventh, such no less important issues of composite sentence as: 
structural, semantic and functional isomorphism / allomorphism, require 
clarification and additions of: 
composite sentence and a simple sentence; 
compound and complex sentences; 
the status of communication facilities in composite sentence /in 
compound and complex sentences, as well as in its other types/; 
structure and semantics of means of clause linkage; 
notions and terms "main clause" and "subordinate clause"; 
structural and semantic classification of composite sentence, etc.
Eighth, the statement of such an unconventional question as the question of 
establishing and describing active syntactic processes occurring in the structural-
semantic organization of composite sentence, which represent in languages, on the 
one hand, universal, on the other hand, special, unique properties, deserves special 
attention of the units under consideration, which requires concretization of the 
question of the validity of such concepts as "openness / closedness", "one-
memberness / two -memberness or of the structure of composite sentence, as well as 
the concept of "reversibility / irreversibility" of the components of the composite 
Ninthly, in our opinion, it is also necessary to establish the main relevant 
features-coordinates of the composite sentence associated with its multifaceted 
nature, i. e. which means the estaliblishment of such clear signs-coordinates, by the 
help of which it would be possible to study the composite sentence of a concrete 
language, and of different languages in comparison. As for the general and 
typological syntax of the composite sentence of languages of various systems, the 
primary task here is the unification of the conceptual and terminological apparatus 

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