Oriental journal of medicine and natural sciencesBog'liq 3. Yakubova,DusmurodovaExclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria comprised letter to editors, case reports or case series,
systematic reviews, duplicate studies, studies not reporting results after the
conclusion of the research, preclinical studies, papers presented at scientific
events, and articles lacking original data.
Search strategy
The conclusive search was conducted on February 1, 2022, encompassing the
following electronic databases—PubMed, Embase, and Scopus—without
imposing any date restrictions. The search terms employed were “herpetic
gingivostomatitis,” “therapy,” “treatment,” and “management.” These selected
terms were amalgamated using Boolean operators in the electronic search:
“herpetic gingivostomatitis” AND “therapy”; “herpetic gingivostomatitis” AND
“treatment”; and “herpetic gingivostomatitis” AND “management.”
Study selection
Publications in the English language or those with an English language
translation were included in the analysis. Duplicate articles were eliminated, and
the bibliographies of relevant reviews were manually scrutinized for additional
references. Two independent reviewers (TC and NC) conducted screening of titles
and abstracts resulting from the initial electronic searches.
Full copies of all studies deemed relevant or potentially relevant, meeting the
inclusion criteria, or lacking sufficient data in the title and abstract for a clear
decision, underwent further assessment. TC and NC independently evaluated the
full-text papers, with any disagreements on the eligibility of included studies
resolved through discussion and consensus or, if necessary, adjudicated by a third
reviewer (SL) acting as an arbiter.
Irrelevant records were excluded, and the reasons for exclusion were
documented. The entire screening and selection process has been delineated in a
PRISMA flowchart (Fig. 1).
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