• Annotatsiya
  • Kalit so‘zlar – maktab, o‘qituvchi, maqsad, grammatika, talaffuz 1. Too high expectations
  • 2. Incorrect goal setting
  • 3. Grammar Concentration
  • Pedagogs international research journal

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    Saydullayeva Ozoda
    Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute,
    student of the Faculty of Foreign Languages 
    Annotatsiya - 
    Ingliz tilini o‘rganish bir qarashda qiyin ko‘ringanidek imkonsiz 
    vazifa emas. Istalgan muvaffaqiyatga erishish uchun ish jarayonini to‘g‘ri tashkil 
    etish va keng tarqalgan xatolardan qochishga harakat qilish kerak. Ushbu maqolada, 
    hatto eng tirishqoq odamlar ham yaxshi natijalarga erisha olmasliklarining 
    sabablarini ko‘rib chiqamiz.
    Kalit so‘zlar 
    – maktab, o‘qituvchi, maqsad, grammatika, talaffuz
    1. Too high expectations 
    Unfortunately, today, each of us is adversely affected by advertising, which for 
    the most part is rather absurd. A new “super foreign language school” has opened in 
    your city, which promises to significantly improve your level in just a couple of 
    weeks? Do not believe such a sweet lie: in a short time you can not learn either 
    English, German or Chinese. You can bring your knowledge to a decent level from 
    scratch, at least for 1 year of intensive training.
    2. Incorrect goal setting 
    If you learn the language just because it is so fashionable, or “without English in 
    any way”, then you will not have too much motivation. The real goal is to learn the 
    language to get a new and more promising job, a complete change of qualification, 
    admission to a prestigious educational institution (for example, abroad), travel. You 
    must be clearly aware of the benefits that new knowledge will bring to you.
    3. Grammar Concentration 
    The most popular and dangerous mistake. Studies show that too active study of 
    only grammar negatively affects speech abilities. Why? English grammar can be 


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