• Main directions of scientific activity
  • Year of defence 1948 Doctoral dissertation «Research and calculation of distribution of loading in gearings of tooth gearings» Place of defence
  • Zablonsky konstantin I

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    Konstantin I.

    18.06.1915 – 22.11.2006
    State awards and honors
    Awards: Lenin, Patriotic war of the II degree, "Honour Sign", Friendship of the people.
    Medals: "For Military Merit", "For defense of the Caucasus", "For a victory over Germany".
    Certificate of honor of Presidium of the Supreme Council of Ukraine.
    Medal "For a Contribution to Friendship Business".
    Memorable signs: GDR, Cuba, Mongolia, Poland, Soviet committee of veterans of war, veterans of the fourth air army, etc.
    Excellent student in education of Ukraine.
    Doctor of Engineering, professor.

    Main directions of scientific activity
    Improvement of designs of cars and drives; researches in the field of rigidity of details, connections and transfers, development of bases of rational design of cars and details.
    Candidate dissertation
    «Rigidity questions at calculation of tooth gearings of big power»
    Place of defence
    Odessa Polytechnic Institute (Odessa)
    Year of defence
    Doctoral dissertation
    «Research and calculation of distribution of loading in gearings of tooth gearings»
    Place of defence
    Odessa Polytechnic Institute (Odessa)
    Year of defence
    The life and career of K. I. Zablonsky
    The honored worker of science of Ukraine, the Doctor of Engineering, the professor, the honourable doctor of Technical university of Moldova, the vice-president of Academy of history and philosophy of natural sciences Konstantin Ivanovich Zablonsky is the author of numerous fundamental works in the field of rigidity, load ability and improvement of designs of transfers by gearing, and also textbooks and educational and methodical grants on details of cars, bases of design of cars, on applied mechanics and the theory of mechanisms and cars.
    K. I. Zablonsky made a big contribution to improvement of the higher education and improvement of quality of preparation of engineering and scientific shots as the scientist, the teacher, the organizer and the head of educational process.
    K. I. Zablonsky was born on June 18, 1915 at Hristinovk's station of the Kiev province (nowadays the Cherkassk Region) in a family of the worker - the locomotive driver and the housewife.
    After the termination of labor school in 1929 K. I. Zablonsky arrived in machine-building technical school. Exactly here the meeting which became decisive in its destiny soon took place. Since the second year of technical school, the mechanics was carried by the teacher of Vodny institute A. A. Staroselsky. From now on collaboration and even friendship of the pupil and the teacher which proceeds about the last days of A. A. Staroselskogo begins. He invites the student in the laboratory for the help in establishment of different instruments. Operation was intense and interesting, in the course of study of details of different function, including and details of machines, it was necessary to open something new, and as a result — K. I. Zablonskogo's research and development interests were created, there was his formation as scientist-mechanic.
    The thesis of K. I. Zablonsky - the project of the cross planing machine and the critical review of literature on planetary transmissions became the first step to the wide world of mechanical transmissions by a linkage.
    In 1933 K. I. Zablonsky graduated from technical school, having received qualification technique mechanics. It began the labor activities at mechanical plant № 5 in the Moscow Region where worked as the foreman and the designer.
    In 1933 - 1934, after resetting to Odessa, K. I. Zablonsky starts to work the designer on equipment of productions of details of tractors in branch of the State institute of design of the motor transportation industry (Moscow). At that time in department project managers and controlers, along with the soviet engineers, experts from Germany, Austria, worked with the USA under the contract. So, in the commonwealth of the scientific different countries designer experience was gained.
    After branch closing in Odessa K. I. Zablonsky works as the designer at plant of
    P. Starostin in rationalization and invention bureau. Then manufacture of an electromechanical saw for was the most interesting in its engineering practice are sharp metal on preparations.
    In 1935. K. I. Zablonsky entered the Odessa industrial institute on mechanical faculty. Cooperation with A. A. Staroselskim who taught such disciplines as "Tolerances and fits", "Details of machines", proceeds at institute and acquires the profound scientific contents. Upon termination of institute in 1940 K. I. Zablonsky leave on department of Details of machines the assistant, and he, according to A. A. Staroselskogo's recommendation, arrives in postgraduate study. Professor V. A. Dobrovolsky becomes his research supervisor.
    His dissertation interrupts war. In July 1941, Konstantin Ivanovich against the decision of the medical board voluntarily went to the front. Having started fighting way a soldier , he walked the roads of war from Odessa to Berlin : he was the shooter on the southern front, serving aviation units in the North Caucasus , and in October 1943 Panzer seconded to the Directorate of the Red Army. K. I. Zablonsky was assigned to the Science and Technology Department of the Main Directorate of repair tanks, which is developing a plant to repair tanks. A senior engineer , he leads a team that carried out important tasks to accelerate the design of a tank repair plants , which were located in the rear of the fronts in the course of their promotion to the West. At the end of the war , seconded to the army, on the 1st Ukrainian Front K. I. Zablonsky was wounded and Victory Day met near Berlin. He was demobilized with the rank of lieutenant.
    In 1946. K. I. Zablonsky returned to institute, in 1948 ended postgraduate study and defended the master's dissertation on the subject "Rigidness Questions in case of Calculation of Tooth Gearings of Big Power". In 1949 it is approved in a rank of the associate professor "Details of machines and lift-and-carry machines". Since 1949 K. I. Zablonsky - the head of the department of application-oriented mechanics. Since 1953 he is a doctoral candidate of MVTU of Bauman where performs operation on toughening of tooth gearings.
    In 1956 Konstantin Ivanovich is assigned by the deputy director of OPI for study, and since 1958 - the deputy director for scientific operation. During 1961- 1969 K. I. Zablonsky - the head of the department of application-oriented mechanics of OPI which under its manual became reference in Odessa and one of leaders in Ukraine.
    In 1965 Konstantin Ivanovich defended the doctoral dissertation on a subject: "Research and load distribution calculation in linkages of tooth gearings", the scientific degree of the Doctor of Engineering is appropriated to it. In 1969 K. I. Zablonsky returns to administrative operation - to him persistently suggest to head OPI, and he agrees. As rector of the Institute of
    K. I. Zablonsky worked for 16 years.
    Since 1985 he is a head of the department of engineering science of OPI, and from 1988 to the last days of the life - the professor of "Theoretical Mechanics and Engineering Science" department.
    Konstantin Ivanovich prepared 45 Candidates of Technical Sciences and 5 Doctors of Engineering.
    Research work K. I. Zablonsky started as a student : a representative student groups, he participated in almost all the meetings of the department "Machine parts". While the department of machinery , which was led by professor V. A. Dobrovolsky , has become a center of attraction for many professionals making doctoral work in new areas of Mechanical Engineering. Gradually Department has become one of the centers of training highly qualified specialists together with the Soviets in Moscow and Leningrad. Worked at the department specialists of different subspecialties, so here thesis discussed many ways. Very often, opponents were invited scholars from other centers : Moscow, Kiev, Leningrad, Kharkov and other universities and institutions , thereby improving the level of work of the department.
    The beginning of researches on department of details of cars in the field of rigidity of details, connections and transfers was necessary works over running screws (1938) and shaft with the got details (1936). Exactly there were first publications: in 1939 there was an article "About Deflections of Screws" which is printed in "The messenger of a metal industry" by
    K. I. Zablonsky together with A. A. Staroselsky. Recommendations about determination of rigidity of screws and the corresponding settlement formulas presented in this work, didn't lose the value and so far: in courses of details of cars, metal-cutting machines, screw presses and today the formulas, offered many are used years ago.
    Further rigidity in mechanical engineering became the main scientific direction of chair. Works on rigidity of rolling bearings of conic cores, tooth gearings of big power, planetary, worm and globoidny gears, etc. were performed. The method of calculation of transfers on rigidity that allowed to estimate the phenomena which occur in gear gearings of any kind with bigger probability is as a result created.
    Scientific and practical value of these researches consists that they opened possibilities of the specified determination of size of settlement loading. Besides, it does capable to estimate influence of constructive, technological and operational ways on decrease in size of settlement loading. Results of researches on rigidity of transfers are used at creation of standards on calculation of gear (GOST 21354-75) and worm gears (MP-117-84) on durability. The corresponding materials on this sphere are transferred to technical committee on ISO transfers for use when viewing the international standard by calculation of tooth gearings.
    Since 1956, long time works as K. I. Zablonsky over the fundamental textbook "Details of Cars". At first under the leadership of professor V. A. Dobrovolsky in a co-authorship with associate professors S. Mak L .Ehrlich, A. Radchik he prepared the section of the textbook. Besides, editing of sections of the book on style and character of a statement is entrusted to it. This fundamental work sustained seven editions in Russian, is translated into English, French, Spanish, Arab, Chinese languages. In 1985 the textbook "Details of Cars" of K. I. Zablonsky is published. The doctrine about details of cars, including questions of a reasonable choice of settlement schemes, establishment of minimum admissible coefficients of margins of safety, determination of size of settlement loading received more concrete lighting in this textbook.
    In 1999 the textbook "Details of Cars" left in Ukrainian. From the previous edition it is distinguished by originality of construction, novelty of a graphic material, a saturation the latest developments in the field of mechanical engineering. In work on the Ukrainian edition the author critically considered the received materials and made corresponding changes and improvements to the textbook. The author tried as it is possible to squeeze, reduce textbook volume as much as possible. Teaching of some methods of calculations is more approached to a form accepted in the corresponding standards and normals. The question of toughening of shaft is in more detail stated, some help data which be required at calculations are provided. Data on wave transfers are more widely submitted. To the major heads at the end of them help tables to some data in the form of short texts and formulas with an explanation have to be included.
    Further scientific work of K. I. Zablonsky was carried out in the direction of improvement of designs of cars and drives, thanks to management of rigidity of details in connections.
    K. I. Zablonsky was fixed in position of the leading expert who showed the priority direction of calculations of transfers by gearing on rigidity at definition of settlement loading. Most fully this problem was covered by K. I. Zablonsky in the doctoral dissertation. Here the main universal theory of an assessment of rigidity and distribution of loading in connections of cars, especially in difficult drives with tooth gearings is developed and introduced, and also all aspects of influence of efficiency, technology, operational factors on settlement loading are analysed.
    In the following works, in particular monographs: "Rigidity of tooth gearings", "Tooth gearings", "Calculation and designing of tooth gearings", "Continuously adjustable transfers", "Built-in reducers", K. I. Zablonsky developed and deepened this theory. Here, first of all, it should be noted that he created and introduced in settlement practice a universal method of research and calculation of distribution of loading for platforms of contact of teeths taking into account major factors of influence.
    On this basis professor K. I. Zablonsky and his pupils solved a number of scientific and applied tasks in the field of a reduktorostroyeniye for the industrial enterprises. In the sphere of designing of cars and transfers Konstantin Ivanovich developed bases of rational design of cars and their details that found reflection in the manual "Bases of Design of Cars", monographs and numerous articles.
    K. I. Zablonsky - the author more than 430 scientific works, including 11 monographs and 25 inventions.
    The separate story is deserved by K. I. Zablonsky activity as the rector of OPI. During 16 years' dedicated work it proved to be the skillful and strong administrator. About institute the position of leading higher education institution of Odessa was firmly fixed. All this time is carried out construction new office and premises therefore the total area of higher education institution considerably increased.
    As marks out K. I. Zablonsky, those years "удалось увеличить учебную площадь в 2,5 раза, обеспечить всех нуждающихся местами в общежитиях. Построили корпус института радиоэлектроники, химико-технологического факультета, теплотехническую лабораторию, студенческий городок, спортивный комплекс с бассейном и стадионом, библиотеку, усовершенствовали спортивно-оздоровительную базу в Каролино-Бугазе, выстроили своими силами Дворец культуры студентов и детский сад на Французском бульваре".
    K. I. Zablonskogo are distinguished by high insistence to itself, to employees and students, his efforts went on targeting of more severe order in educational process, increase of level of scientific researches. As a result of it activity of scientists increased, there were new schools of sciences, communications with foreign institutes and researchers were tied and got stronger.
    K. I. Zablonsky - the organizer and leader of the five national conferences on a specialty, he led the research on the joint research work with the Technical University of Dresden, presented papers at international conferences in New Delhi, Budapest, Varna, Dresden, Stockholm, was invited to give lectures in the higher technical educational institutions of the GDR, ChSSR, BNR, PNR, Italy, Cuba..
    At institute accurately organized by K. I. Zablonsky system of training of specialists for 83 countries of the world acted. The preparatory faculty for foreign citizens is recognized as one of the best among 180 faculties of the country, the reception and distributive point (the southern gate of the country) for the accurate organization of work admitted to the best in the USSR.
    K. I. Zablonsky was the invariable chairman of the Odessa office of the society "The USSR — Italy".
    K. I. Zablonsky created unique laboratory of technical means of training (LTOUP) which the minister of the higher and secondary education of the USSR gave as a sample for distribution in all higher education institutions of Ukraine on the scale of institute.
    K. I. Zablonsky actively was engaged in publishing: I was the editor of republican collections "Details of Cars", "Details of Cars and Hoisting-and-transport Cars", "Theory of Mechanisms and Cars", the associate editor of the "Technology and Production Organization" magazine, the chairman of an editorial board of library of the designer of "Tekhnika" publishing house.

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