Microsoft® Outlook™ 2000
bet | 60/75 | Sana | 22.07.2021 | Hajmi | 0,92 Mb. | | #15679 |
Automatic Map
Users of Outlook can now take advantage of Microsoft Expedia.com and automatically download a map directly from their Contacts folder. If users select the Display Map of Address command, their Web browser is launched to display Expedia.com, which provides a free service that will plat a map to the selected contact’s street address. This is a free service of Microsoft Expedia.com and works for any address in the United States.
Automatic Map displayed from a contact’s address
AutoMerge Contact Information dialog
Users can easily add contacts to their contact list by manually creating a new one, automatically creating one for the sender of an e-mail message they’ve received, or by using a vCard. When adding or moving contacts, Outlook 2000 checks for duplicates and gives the user the option to update an existing contact with new data, to create a new contact or to manually resolve the duplicate.
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