3 (79) 2021 pedagogik mahorat

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Pedagogik mahorat 3-son 2021 yil

Ключевые фразы: проблемный вопрос, проблемные ситуации, современная инновационная 
технология, технологический подход, рациональное совершенствование, гарантированный 
результат, “Субъект - субъект”, “преподаватель - студент”, “студент - студент”, 
традиционный, системный, технологический, функциональный, комплексный подход, активный 
In order to ensure the continuous orientation of students and young people to innovative activities, the 
article focuses on the shortcomings, problematic issues and problematic situations in the educational 
process on the basis of traditional, innovative and scientific-creative approaches. The article analyzes the 
implementation of the technology of designing the educational process based on the use of innovative 
pedagogical technologies in the educational process. In the higher education system, it is believed that the 
continuous introduction of innovative technologies in the educational process will give an effective result. 
Traditional and innovative approaches to the educational process are comparatively studied. The issue of 
involving students and young people in creative activities is also discussed in detail. 
Key words: problem question, problem situations, modern innovative technology, technological 
approach, rational improvement, guaranteed result, “Subject – subject”, “teacher – student”, “student – 
student”, traditional, system, technological, functional, integrated approach, active approach. 
Kirish. Jahonda fan va ta’limning ishlab chiqarish bilan integratsiyalashuv jarayoni jadal kechayotgan 
bir davrda “tajriba asosida ta’lim olish” (Experimential learning) g‘oyasi jahon hamjamiyati axborot-ta’lim 
muhitida ustuvorligi jihatidan e’tirof etilmoqda. Bu holat, oʻz navbatida, oliy ta’lim muassasalarida ta’lim 
olayotgan talabalarda innovatsiyalarni oʻzlashtirishni, buning uchun esa ularda individual sifatlarni 
shakllantirishni taqoza etadi. 
XX asrning oxiri va XXI asrning boshlarida dunyoda, shu jumladan, bizning mamlakatimizda, 
kechayotgan ijtimoiy-madaniy transformatsiya ishlab chiqarish amaliyoti uchun kadrlarni tayyorlash 
masalasiga, uzliksiz ta’limda “umr davomida ta’lim olish” (Lifelong learning) konsepsiyasiga amal qilishni 
talab etmoqda. Fan va texnika yutuqlarining ishlab chiqarish amaliyotiga tadbiq etilishi, iste’molchilar 

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