• Applications of Digital Marketing
  • E-Commerce is subdivided into

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    E-Commerce is subdivided into:

    • Sell-Side E-Commerce

    • Buy-Side E-Commerce

    Note: Distinguish between Intranet, Extranet and Internet

    Why is a Digital Strategy needed?

    Simply to be better by (Competitive Advantage)

    • To set clear goals for digital channels

    • To align with business strategy (avoid ad-hoc approaches)

    • Create a specific online value proposition (OVP)

    • Specify communications tools to drive visitors

    • Integrate digital and traditional channels

    • Manage customer lifecycle (e.g. through email marketing)

    Applications of Digital Marketing

    • An advertising medium

    • A direct-response medium

    • A platform for sales transactions

    • A lead-generation method

    • A distribution channel

    • A Customer service mechanism

    • A relationship-building medium

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