• 2Internet 22
  • 4Website as a main tool of online marketing strategy 29
  • 7Blog’s assessment 45
  • Introduction
  • The objectives of the thesis
  • Methods of implementation
  • Diploma Thesis

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    1Marketing 17

    1.1Modern concept 17

    1.1.1Needs, wants and demands 17

    1.1.2The market offering 18

    1.1.3Value, satisfaction and quality 19

    1.1.4Exchange, transaction and relationships 19

    1.1.5Markets 19

    1.2Marketing in the Internet age 20

    2Internet 22

    2.1A brief story of the Internet 22

    2.2No one is here, everyone is online 23

    3Marketing strategies 25

    3.1General principles 25

    3.1.1Indirect approach 26

    3.1.2Differentiation 26

    3.1.3Concentration 26

    3.2Marketing mix 27

    4Website as a main tool of online marketing strategy 29

    4.1Building a successful website 29

    4.2Analyzing a website 31

    4.2.1First glance 31

    4.2.2Obtainable indicators 32

    4.2.3Statistics 33

    5Limitations of the study 35

    6Websites assessment 37

    6.1Sample overview 37

    6.2Personal evaluation 37

    6.3Visitors perception 40

    7Blog’s assessment 45

    7.1Overview 45

    7.2Statistics 47

    7.3Marketing 48

    7.4Future strategy 49

    7.4.1Gantt chart 51

    8Recommendations for the companies’ expanding online 53

    8.1Design and usability 53

    8.2Sales and delivery 53

    8.3Information and branding 54

    8.4Investments and return 54


    Invention of Internet is considered to be a milestone in human history and the start of the so-called Informational Age. It has changed everything, from the way of communication to the way of conducting business. Modern companies are willing to expand online which raises the question of successful online marketing.

    The expected contribution of the work is the result of website investigation as a main tool of online marketing, alongside discovering the modern ways of marketing online and revealing methods of websites assessment.

    The objectives of the thesis

    Primary objective is to analyze the Internet marketing strategies of international retailor companies and to investigate modern trends of Internet marketing. Secondary objective is to develop a comprehensive list of recommendations for the companies’ expanding online. 

    Methods of implementation

    Theoretical part of the thesis is devoted to the literature review of marketing modern concepts, Internet as the new emerging market and website being a core tool of online marketing strategy and promotion.

    Practical part illustrates the analysis on a chosen sample of businesses, summarized in synthetic list of recommendations for the retailor companies expanding online.


    Initially there was a risk of international companies’ unwillingness of revealing the information about their performance online which actually became true. It allowed fulfilling the primary objective of the thesis only partially, substituting the analysis of Internet marketing strategies of international retailor companies by the analysis of users’ perception of the website as the core item of the marketing strategy.

    PART I

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