kirmoq to enter (infinitive) kir!
bet | 5/31 | Sana | 21.05.2024 | Hajmi | 136,12 Kb. | | #248337 |
Bog'liq Jadid adabiyotikirmoq to enter (infinitive) kir! enter (singular, familiar, impolite)
7. mood suffixes to express moods like the imperative or the conditional, uzbek adds suffixes to verbal roots:
kiring! come in! (singular, familiar, polite) kirsa if he enters 8. tense suffixes in uzbek, tenses like past, present, and future are formed by adding suffixes to a verbal root, including the past tense suffix -di:
kelmoq to come (infinitive)
keldi he came uzbek combines the meanings of english present and future tenses into one idea that is expressed by the suffix -a or -y. this present-future tense indicates hat an action occurs as a habit in the present and may occur at some point in the future:
o‘qimoq to read (infinitive); o‘qiydi he reads (as a habit), he will read (tomorrow); enjoy learning and practicing, if there are questions, please don't hesitate to post in the comments! coming up: quiz and examples (suffixations), and some entertainment videos about uzbekistan.[3]
1. Til o‘rgatishda kompyuterdan foydalanish bo‘yicha dastlabki tajribalar qachondan boshlandi?
2. IELTS va TOEFL tizimlarining bir-biridan farqli tomonlarini ayting.
3. Til o‘rgatish uchun mo‘ljallangan qanday kompyuter dasturlarini bilasiz?
1. Антипов Г. А., Донских O. А., Марковина И. Ю., Сорокин Ю. А. Текст как явление культуры. –Новосибирск, 1989. –C. 75.
2. Цветкова Л.С. Процесс называння предмета и его нарушение. – « Вопросы психологии», 1972, № 4.
3. Леонтьев А.А. Основы психолингвистики: Учебник для студ. Высш.
Учеб. Заведений.- 4-е изд.,испр. – М.: Смысл; Издательский центр «Академия», 1999, 112
1. “Lingvodidaktika” terminining mazmun-mohiyati
2. “Lingvodidaktika” modulining maqsadi, vazifalari
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