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    Asosiy oxirgi 17.05.2023 18.20

    Key words: 
    educational institution, teacher, student, quality of education, assessment, 
    information system, informatization, database, optimization, management. 
    В данной статье на основе анализа существующих систем оценки 
    качества образования предлагается многоуровневый алгоритм системы оценки по 
    всем основным направлениям воспитательной работы среднего специального 
    образовательного учреждения. 
    Ключевые слова:
    образовательное учреждение, учитель, ученик, качество 
    образования, оценивание, информационная система, информатизация, база данных, 
    оптимизация, управление. 
    Ushbu maqolada ta’lim sifatini baholashning mavjud tizimlarini tahlil 
    qilish asosida o‘rta maxsus ta’lim muassasasi ta’lim-tarbiya ishlari faoliyatining barcha 

    asosiy yo‘nalishlari bo‘yicha baholash tizimining ko‘p bosqichli algoritmining taklif etilishi 
    ko‘rib chiqildi. 
    Kalit so‘zlar:
    ta’lim muassasi, o‘qituvchi, o‘quvchi, ta’lim sifati, baholash, axborot tizimi, 
    axborotlashtirish, ma’lumotlar bazasi, optimallashtirish, boshqarish. 
    The educational system forms the country's intellectual capital and creates conditions 
    for the development of the market economy. This, in turn, requires the introduction of the 
    experience of foreign countries on the basis of innovative approaches in the education 
    system in the context of global informatization. Therefore, it is impossible not to consider a 
    time-tested, successfully used and generally recognized account. However, there is no ideal 
    model for evaluating the quality of education. Any change, even the smallest, should be 
    tested in practice and its impact on the overall change should be evaluated. The issues of 
    assessment and management of the quality of education are one of the most important and 
    controversial issues for the education system and are becoming an urgent problem today. 
    Due to the priority direction of this problem, many methods of managing the quality of 
    education have been formed. All methods have strengths and weaknesses, and there is no 
    universal model suitable for every situation for every educational institution. For a 
    particular educational institution, a system is needed that is flexible for its specific 
    conditions and determines which methods are appropriate, as well as offers the most 
    effective combinations of different methods of educational quality management. 
    In order to achieve the competitiveness of the local education system, it is necessary to 
    constantly monitor the results of any changes and plan further development based on the 
    received information. One of the most popular and convenient tools used to manage the 
    quality of education is information systems. 
    Most of the methods and systems used at the current stage of development of the 
    domestic education system are models of the foreign education system. Ready-made 
    systems of educational quality management cannot be completely copied, because they do 
    not take into account the mentality of our nation, its many features and requirements. 
    There is a very wide range of requirements for information systems in the field of 
    education. In many educational institutions, certain information systems that improve the 
    educational process or are used to manage the quality of education have been used for a 
    long time. 
    Currently, the process of informatization in educational institutions, including the Guzor 
    Industrial Technical College, is being implemented a little slower. This depends on many 
    reasons, from different directions of training of educational institutions to different 
    possibilities of material and technical support. At the same time, teachers spend a lot of 
    time and effort on the formation of documents on the management of the quality of 
    education, which can be automated with the help of information systems. In order to solve 
    this problem, it is necessary to determine a number of requirements for information 
    systems to assess the quality of education in an educational institution. 
    Analysis of existing and used information systems in educational institutions of our 
    republic, study of documents on them and information received from experts and end 
    users of information systems allowed us to come to the conclusion that information 
    systems are not sufficiently automated at the current stage. 
    Management of the quality of education in educational institutions implies an effective 
    system of monitoring the quality characteristics of the effectiveness of educational 
    activities by the administration of the institution. This requires the development of 
    assessment-criterion complexes and pedagogical monitoring based on them. 
    Pedagogical monitoring is a system of organizing the collection, storage, processing and 
    distribution of information about the activity of the pedagogical system, which ensures 
    constant monitoring of its condition and prediction of its development. Monitoring objects 

    can be the following: quality of administration activity; quality of teaching; the quality of 
    the class teacher's educational work; quality of educational process organization; quality of 
    innovative activity; the quality of providing the educational process; creative achievements 
    of students. 
    It is important not to overburden students and teachers with the collection of statistics 
    so as not to harm the learning process. The test should be conducted within the specified 
    time limits and transfer of the test results to the higher authorities is ensured to minimize 
    the evaluation tests conducted. In addition to collecting the necessary statistics, it is very 
    important to have tools to visualize the obtained data. It is very difficult to understand and 
    perceive the initial statistical reference, but they should be covered at the meetings of the 
    pedagogical council of educational institutions, during the activities of planning the 
    development of the educational institution. The ability to create various diagrams is very 
    important to process this huge analytical data collected during the evaluation of the quality 
    of education. 
    In order to evaluate the quality of education in educational institutions, the following 
    requirements for information systems can be distinguished: modularity of the system; 
    ensure data security; ensuring the reliability of information; the ability to integrate with 
    web services; the possibility of communication with a single database or information 
    systems of higher authorities (regional, regional quality assessment systems). The main 
    functional requirements: the ability to create, edit and delete test tasks to assess the quality 
    of information assimilation by the student; automation of the formation of tests based on 
    existing test assignments; automating the processing of test results and creating the 
    necessary reports; the ability to take into account the results of students' extracurricular 
    activities and prepare relevant reports; record the effectiveness of teaching students; 
    creating analytical reports and ratings, monitoring the dynamics of change; monitoring the 
    activity and quality of knowledge of students, classes, parallels; the possibility to get brief 
    information about a specific topic, teacher, student, class, parallelism; control of the 
    implementation of the educational program; monitoring of continuing education by 
    graduates, evaluation of knowledge of graduates at the next stage of educational 
    institutions (university); the possibility of monitoring the progress of students and parents; 
    flexible visualization tools; will consist of creating reports. 

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    Qarshi davlat universiteti international scientific and practical conference on algorithms and current problems of programming

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