• O (Opportunity)
  • 2.2 Textile Business Development Strategies in Uzbekistan
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    Academic Paper Kakhramonov Sherzod PDF

    S (Strength) 

    Cheap highly skilled labor cost 

    Low utility prices and cheap raw materials 

    Government support, benefits, and incentives 

    Advantages in strategic proximity to huge market 
    W (Weakness) 

    People are undereducated 

    Low technical level 

    Imported materials are expensive 

    Weaknesses in logistics environment 
    O (Opportunity) 

    Development of manufactured textile goods instead of cotton fiber 

    Possible growth of foreign market 

    Expansion of new fashion trends 

    Literature Review 

    Favorable conditions for foreign investments 
    T (Threat) 

    Fashion market with rapid design change 

    Growing competition because of new entrants to the industry 

    Reduction of Uzbekistan’s major textile-product-importing countries 

    Growing requirement for trade in advanced countries 
    It is based on these elements that we can see the futuristic view of the processes to 
    be formed and the textile business development strategies in Uzbekistan and 
    branding approach for sustainable growth. 
    2.2 Textile Business Development Strategies in Uzbekistan 
    In terms of the scope of the strategies, almost all of them are similar in the textile 
    sector. However, there are also companies that work by analyzing their industry 
    peers, who are at the top of the world market, striving for development. An advanced 
    strategy refers to a scheme that takes into account all the small details in the field 
    and is automated as much as possible. In addition, by implementing a combination 
    of these strategies, marketing and branding, customer relationship management 
    (CRM) and the coverage of similar components is the basis for development (Payne, 
    Adrian, and Frow, 2013). 
    As highlighted in Porter's case study model, it shows the complexity of the impact 
    of marketing tasks on light industry performance. This means that it is important to 
    understand all aspects of competitive forces and act accordingly. Regarding and 
    working with Porter's developments, this process identified the main characteristics 
    that affect competitiveness both inside and outside the organization. Given the 
    importance of markets, which are local and international, this model is based on four 
    factors. These are the production environment, demand conditions, company 
    strategy and the networks and infrastructure that support internal competitiveness 
    (Domnikov, Khodorovsky and Domnikova, 2021, p.15-23. In addition, there are two 
    other factors: chance and country involvement. Introducing a new paradigm, this 
    type of model aims to understand competition by incorporating multiple factors

    Literature Review 

    including firm strategy, structure and competition, government involvement, demand 
    conditions, and related and supporting industries. It is precisely because of this 
    comprehensive approach that it seeks to fully explain the reasons why some 
    countries have a competitive advantage in international markets. Apart from that, it 
    is based on explaining the main role of the government in accelerating and 
    supporting the process in enterprises to increase their competitiveness (Porter, 
    In the development authored by Kadirov, in order to describe the creation of the key 
    marketing papers, remarks were made about the exporter of Uzbek tailoring and 
    knitted items paying attention to the problem of poor profitability owing to 
    widespread demand for inexpensive products. However, it was also noted that we 
    can see from the results of successful entry into a number of other countries, which 
    are Turkey, the European Union and the United States, that there is a favorable 
    attitude towards high-value goods in the international market. As a result of 
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